Jan 24, 2010 17:01
Hey, just a little update on what's been happening in my life.
Christmas was great, 'rents got us a Wii 8D His name is Roxas, my sister's wiimote is named Demyx and mine is Rufus Shinra XD
I made sea salt ice cream for the first time a few days before Christmas, which is still mostly sitting in my freezer XD It was actually pretty good, I just keep forgetting it's there because it's in a tupperware box rather than on sticks D= One day I'll make them on sticks, but first they need some moar salt.
NYE was awesome, had it at a friends place, she has a pool 8D I watched ppl play guitar hero. Actually I played it at my cousins' just after Christmas, I did awesome on beginner and easy (96% and 90% respectively 8D) but then I tried medium and failed in like fifteen seconds XD I'll stick Wii fo now.
Few weeks ago I was a leader at a camp for 11-13 year olds, it was stinking hot and mozzies everywhere but I loved every minute of it (the messy games I could have done without, though. Molasses in my haaair D= and also two of the girls in my group getting injured, but they're a-ok! =D) So doing it again next January 8D
I have just realised that my punctuation marks are turning into smilies. I think maybe I have a condition D=
Anywho, that's about it for me right now, hope you're all having awesome lives =D
video games,
final fantasy,
kingdom hearts,