Ok, so a few months back I probably told you guys that I was making a Harry Potter neighborhood in the Sims. I got bored last night, so I took screen caps of all my HP houses. Just for kicks, I thought I'd share. Feel free to laugh at me, shake your head, roll your eyes, and sigh.
Number Four, Privet Drive
The Dursley's lovely suburban home. (That's Harry standing by the mailbox)
The Dursley's downstairs (complete with the cupboard under the stairs)
Harry's Bedroom.
The Burrow
The Burrow - Home of the Weasleys (That's one of the twins in the lower left)
The Weasley Living Room - That's the other twin in the lower left, and Harry and Ginny are on the right
The Weasley Kitchen
Ron's violenly orange bedroom, and the Twin's room
Hagrid's Hut
Hagrid's Hut, complete with pumpkin patch
Inside Hagrid's Hut - That's Hagrid in the bottom of the picture
The Entrance Hall
The Great Hall, complete with four house tables, banners, and the staff table
Dumbledore's Office - with portraits, a stand for Fawkes, and Dumbeldore, of course
The Library - compelte with the restricted section
Transfiguration Classroom
Charms Classroom
Divination Classroom (That's actually McGonagall in the left)
Astronomy Tower
Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Potions Classroom - (That's Snape in the center)
Slytherin Common Room
Hufflepuff Common Room
Ravenclaw Common Room
Gryffindor Tower
Gryffindor Tower
Common Room (Left to right, Harry, Seamus, Angelina, Hermione, Fred)
Boys Dormitory - Dean, Neville and Ron
Girls Dormitory - Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Number 12, Grimmauld Place - Entrance Hall and Drawing room (Complete with the portriat of Sirius's mum, and the umbrella stand inside the door)
Grimmauld Place - Kitchen (That's Tonks)
Grimmauld Place - Upstairs
Harry's bedroom (With the portrait of Phineus Nigellus)
Sirius, Tonks and Lupin
Actually, I also have houses for Hermione Granger (Which is mostly Asian stuff, I dunno why) and a huge mansion for Draco Malfoy, but since there aren't any descriptions of those in the book, I decided not to post them. I have two neighboorhood lots left, so I'll probably do another one that has other students, like make a three-room house that's just larger versions of the other common rooms, so I can make a Cho Chang, some of the Hufflepuffs, and a few Slytherins (Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle). Eventually I want to go into the Downtown and create a Diagon Alley, with the Leaky Cauldron, Ollivanders, Flourish and Blott's, Fortescue's Ice Cream, Madam Malkin's, and Borgin and Burkes. I'll probably turn the Magic Town into Hogsmeade, have a Madame Rosmerta's, Zonko's, and the Shrieking Shack. Now that I have Vacation, I should make the Quiddich World Cup campsite and stadium. Hmmm...I should make the Ministry of Magic somewhere too. I could probably do that in Downtown, or I might make it in the neighborhood so I could make characters like Fudge and Umbridge and Scrimgeour.
Yes. I'm a nerd. We know.