The utter absurdity of the last few weeks, in short. or long.

Jun 16, 2010 00:29

Lets recap the last few weeks for the people who haven't read my frequent facebook updates, shall we?  Because it has been among the more insane weeks of my life.

(I am not even going to go into the whole drama with Blockbuster, because that is a whole other can of worms, and it's not my drama.)

So lets start with three weeks ago Tuesday.  My coworkers and I went to Granite City to belatedly celebrate a record month in March. I won't go into all the...technical details of it, because it's a little embarrasing.  It had nothing to do with the one beer I had, though.  Suffice to say, within ten minutes of being home, I was lying in my bathtub, in crippling pain in my lower abdomen.  I had tried to get into the bathtub, hoping the hot water would help, but I wasn't able to lie still.  Seriously, y'all, I'm just glad my cell phone was within arm's reach.  I really thought my parents were going to have to come into the bathroom and find me naked on the floor.  Thank goodness I managed to pull some clothes on.  They took me to the ER, by the time we got there I could stand/sit relatively well, but was still feeling discomfort.  Between having to get in/out of the bed to have X-Rays done and having to have a catheter done, the pain came back.  But they had no idea what caused it, and recommended I go to a urologist.  They gave me hydrocodone, which I have only needed once or twice since then.  I'm not feeling pain anymore, just very occasional discomfort but it is minor and doesn't last long.

The continuation of that story is that after a urologist visit, and a CT scan and more x-rays, they still have no idea what the pain was caused by.  It MIGHT have been a kidney stone, but there was no back pain, it was all concentrated in my lower front abdomen.  However, the good news (at least for me) is that the CT scan showed NO abnormalities in any of my...lower parts, which, if you know me and my a very very reassuring thing to hear.

(basically I am no longer terrified that I secretly have some sort of uterine cancer that I just have ignored for several years)

Anyway, I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with the urologist today but he had to reschedule.  They're going to do some sort of...scope thing where they look inside my bladder.  This sounds distinctly unfun, but hopefully we'll figure out What Is Going On.

SO, that is Thing #1, now on to Thing #2, which is simultaneously less worrisome and intensely more annoying at the same time.

Along with everyone else in the midwest, we've had our share of severe thunderstorms over the last weeks.  Well, there were some pretty severe storms last Tuesday that knocked out our internet.  So, Tuesday evening I was on the phone with Comcast figuring out how to reset my modem, which involved essentially moving my whole desk and everything around it, which was no mean feat, lemme tell you.  Anyway, once it was back up I was in the "moving stuff mode" and decided to rearrange a few things in my room.  I have these bookshelves, they're the cheap kind from walmart but they are big and black and hold all of my books and look nice when they are full.  i wanted to move them from one wall to the other, and move my bed to the opposite side.  This seemed like a doable idea in my head, I do realize that I am really not capable of moving any of those three things by myself but I somehow was going to try.  Anyway, as I moved the first shelf, I discovered that where my foot was, where the bookshelf was two seconds previously was SOAKING WET.

>:|  I phoned maintenance, after confirming it wasn't a busted water...something in the apartment next door, and he told me it was a common problem, and I wasn't the only person to complain that day. just...WHAT.  He said not to worry, they'd bring in a fan and dry out my floors and then address the problem, which had something to do with the...gradation...of the landscape?  I think?  Something like that.

Anyway, I realized I needed to move my bookshelves and potentially my bed, so I started taking stuff off the shelves and putting them in boxes, and with some help from my mom, who took about SIX BOXES OF BOOKS to the house (and that's not even ALL of them), and then I started pulling all of the boxes out from underneath my bed, and that is when Stuff.  Hit.  The.  Fan.

Long story short:  Mold.  Not a one-time problem.  Probably been going on since we moved in.  They have to replace my carpet.  Bookshelf #1 was irrepairable damaged, but shelf #2 was still okay.  Lovely level-headed Sarah prevented me from going TOTALLY INSANE on the maintenance/leasing staff, but I spent the better part of the weekend passive-aggressively steaming mad.  With some help from my folks, and Erin and Jake, I moved all of my stuff into one of the garages across from our apartment, which the manager is letting me use until the carpets are replaced.  When I spoke to him on...Thursday or so he said he would get in touch with the landscaping company and then let me know a timeline for the carpets being replaced.  By Saturday evening, everything in my room was either in the garage unit, a few boxes were at my parents, and all of my clothes were in my bathroom or hanging in my closet.

In case you didn't catch that, by Saturday, I essentially had no bedroom.  It's Wednesday, and I have no idea when I will get it back.  :|  It keeps storming, which means they probably can't do anything about the landscaping, which in turn, means they can't do anything about the carpet.  *grumble*


The garage door opener to the storage unit/garage thing is somehow coded where it not only opens #17, it also opens #13.   Which is someone else's unit and has stuff in it.  However, when I went to get something out of it on Sunday, #17 WOULD NOT OPEN.

Y'all, I came home on Monday and sat there for fifteen minutes, after forcing the unit open, getting out what I needed, and then forcing it closed, TRYING to get both units to close and STAY CLOSED at the same time.  It was sitcom-grade hilarity, trying to get both units to go the same direction when the controller kept activating one or the other but never both at the same moment, when I finally got them both down, I went in to tell Sarah what had happened.  Somehow, explaining it made it much funnier than it had been in the moment.  Hilariously funny, in fact.  We laughed for half an hour.

So, now I just find the whole situation amusing.  Or at least Frustrating, but with a side of "This will make a great story later".

Thankfully, I'm talking about only losing a couple cardboard boxes, but nothing that was inside them, and one $30 bookshelf, that my dad is going to replace for me.  A few days worth of crashing in my parents guest room and having to repack/unpack all of my stuff is a really really trivial problem compared to what it COULD have been, especially when I look at all the flooding that's happened in other states.

However, taken all in combination, plus when added to the dramadrama happening at Blockbuster, how busy I am at AlphaGraphics and that we have our Open House tomorrow to kick off our summer food drive, it's been a very very nonstop crazy couple of weeks around Stessieland.

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