once i get an idea in my head...

May 29, 2008 11:39

So I had a thought today, as I was driving to work. I passed by a church that had a banner advertising their VBS for the summer. It made me think of how much I used to love VBS at our church in Houston, because every year it was different and every year it was original. Now that we have a new children's minister, they do what I have termed "prefabricated VBS". I can't even remember what they are called now - there was a jungle one, and a Noah's Ark one I think...I don't remember.

Those pre-fab VBS units...you miss out on the fun of coming up with original ideas, of being creative with it. And I thought, what if someone created a VBS unit that you could decide how much of it you wanted to use, but didn't come with it all put together. You pick the story you want to start with, they have some scripts and scenes to use. Some group teaching guides and classroom teaching guides, but everything would be in that sort of idea stage - a jumping off point, not actual things or ideas that you HAD to use. Basically it would be doing all the background brainstorming work for you, all you would have to do is take the ideas and make them yours. The packets could contain CDs with music, art files that they could print or edit, ideas for costumes for scripts or room decorations (ie. a unit on Shadrach, Meeshack and Abednego could have a guide on how to turn a room into a furnace, or templates to make a giant Nebuchaddnezzer statue out of cardboard)

What do you guys think? I might actually try to put some stuff together...I know I have more than one creative friend out there who could get involved. I thought about calling it "Teach Kids His Story" (instead of history! get it?)

I have been obsessed with this idea all day - I might actually do this y'all. But what would be really cool is that I could get all my friends who are much more talented then me at things like video, music, sewing, etc. involved!
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