Oh my God! I haven't posted anything since November!

Feb 07, 2010 22:02

Wow. To those who thought I was pretty much dead, abandoning the internet, or suddenly got a random case of amnesia and forgot who I was, that is definitely not the case. My family was having a crisis over the winter break and I just didn't feel up to even going on the computer nonetheless actually posting anything to lj. I would really rather not talk about it...

But anyway, I managed to get through most of my midterms. I just got to withstand physics. (fingers crossed) But AUGH, why did I not study those canadian feminists! I could have gotten an A if it wasn't for those five women. Maybe I just didn't study them because they all had the damn idea to choose who gets to reproduce and who doesn't. Sure, they made leaps and bounds for womens rights but I still am annoyed by the sheer audacity these women had to support compulsory sterilization. I know, I know, those with genetic diseases and STDs could transfer thier disease to thier offspring but seriously, these women thought perversions and prostitution were sexually transmitted! I'm not defending the perverts or prostitutes but if you think about it, back then what did count as a perverse? I'm sure more than half the peole on livejournal would have to be sterilized if we went by these women's standards.

Finally got to watch Durarara!! I was waiting for it to air for so long. It's really more than I could ask for having such a popular cast. And the art style! I love it. The females have eyes which are only SLIGHTLY bigger than the males! In comparison to other animes the character designs not that much to look at, and the animation sort of cheaps out on us by making random passer-bys giant human-shaped shadows, but the fluidity of motion is so far very well done. And why the hell is Baccano! playing in the background of Durarara!!? 'sup Nice. And lordy, lordy. Gratuitous english strikes again.... and gratuitous Russian? But the thing that surprises me the most about this show is the amount of advertizing for Aniplex's other shows in there. I find it almost embarrassingly hilarious that I can recognize them all.

Oh Lady Gaga, my guilty pleasure! I saw her performance for the grammys..... just wow. She just trotted out Sir Elton John like it was nothing! I should have expected that they were BFFs or something. I mean, they do have the same taste in clothes. They probably go shopping together. Now that's an awesome mental image.

guilty pleasure, history ftw

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