Jan 13, 2011 22:22
Today I randomly wondered what would come up if I Googled 'Eruri'. I was expecting one of my fics at least, and I found one, but... heh...
Apparently someone else wrote a story involving a Gallade named Eruri, and added at the end, I quote: "So…this is about one of my friends on Serebii who is in love with her own Eruri."
Note that when this was written, I was still calling myself female.
This story was posted in 2008. Doesn't look like it ever made it past the prologue. I'm... not entirely sure of what to think about this.
On the one hand, we apparently have a fan O.o
On the other hand, I never knew about this, and shouldn't this 'friend' have told me? I don't recognize him at all.
The story is called "Your Hand In Mine" and was apparently posted on FF.Net first, though I couldn't find it there. I'd appreciate any info on the author, especially his Serebii username if possible...
Oh, and if the author himself finds this, please send me a message or something. Don't worry, I'm not angry, just want to know who you are.
holy crap