Title: Old Love
Show: That 70's Show
Pairing: Jackie/Hyde
In which Red and Kitty discuss General Hospital, Fez is happily reunited with his dark, dancing King, and Forman has his entire life flash in front of his eyes...
Disclaimer: Not mine
Old Love
Chapter I: Fool in the rain
He didn’t open the store until noon the next day. Not that anyone dared to mention it or complain. Hyde with a hangover wasn’t something anyone with the minimal survival instincts dared to provoke.
“Where were you, you son of a bitch?!” Of course no one could exactly say that Fez had any survival instincts.
“Sleeping” the answer was colder than usual and laced with barely hidden anger.
“Sleeping he says!” Fez’s annoying voice was seriously getting on his nerves. He entertained the thought of grabbing the girly foreigner by the throat and squeezing until he was blue and shut the fuck up. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Jackie ended up with this idiot last night. “Do you know what day is today?!” Fez didn’t wait for an answer, not that Hyde intended to give one. “Today is the day that MY Michael Jackson’s album is supposed to be here!”
“Whatever.” See this now, this totally Zen slightly pissed off attitude, this is how he should have acted yesterday. Calm, cool, distant, ZEN. Not like a childish, drooling idiot. Of course Fez was not Jackie. Only Jackie could make him act so much like a freaking hysteric moron.
“... and I’m here since 7:00 AM waiting for the store to open and you were sleeping” his voice broke at end reaching a tone level Hyde was sure wasn’t supposed to be heard by humans
“Wait, you’ve been here since 7:00 AM? Man, the store opens at 9:30”
“I wasn’t going to take the chance that some son of a bitch would steal my record”
“You special ordered the stupid lame album. It’s behind the counter, no one is going to freaking steal it” Wait. He’s been here since 7:00. No fucking way anyone who spent the night with Jackie would be out and about at freaking 7:00 AM freezing his ass in a Wisconsin cold morning for a freaking album. And he fucking hates how relived he feels about that. Hyde had more than enough of this conversation, so he grabs the album and practically throws it to Fez. “There you go. Now shut your pie hole”
“Thank you, my curly-haired angry friend” Fez was now hugging the album as if it was a long lost lover or something. “Do you know how long I have waited for this moment, my beauty” He better not be talking to him, or Hyde would be forced to rearrange that sorry excuse of a face. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Kelso won’t even get to look at you, oh my dark dancing king”
“Uh?” Why was he friends with the weird foreigner again? Hyde had not freaking idea. At least Kelso was still in Chicago, so Jackie wasn’t with him. She just got a new job; she wouldn’t just pack and leave in the middle of the week to fuck her idiotic ex-boyfriend. At least he was pretty sure she wouldn’t.
“Kelso, that son of a bitch, used my original copy as a Frisbee” And Fez continue to narrate another chapter of his book ‘Kelso is an idiot with great hair’. Hyde decided to tune him out in order to save his own mental health and possibly Fez’s physical one. He really should just have stayed in bed today. In between waiting for Jackie, getting drunk and high, and freaking out that she was probably with another guy, he barely got any sleep at all. He couldn’t stop obsessing over whom she may be with. Which is why after spending half the morning awake and going through lists of possible candidates, he decided that he had to do something before he lost his mind. Not that it was actually working. Honestly, what did he expected? That she would take his outburst of last night as confession of his feelings and an apology, and that they could start over? Why not, that’s how they usually got back together in the past.
Where the HELL was she?
“Where is it?” Eric Forman murmured while continuing his search in what used to be Hyde’s old basement bedroom. “I could have sworn I just saw it here” What Eric was so desperately looking for was Hyde’s old stash that he left behind when he moved out for just in case they run out of it in one of their circles. “Crap! Of course, I got it upstairs so Mom wouldn’t find it!” Spring cleaning had always required the boys’ creativity and inventive to keep their stash hidden from Mrs. Forman while not doing any cleaning at all.
“Eric, honey. No running inside” his mom singsong when he passed the living room in a rush. The big move to Florida was suspended when Red found out that the odds of finding himself surrounded by thousands of Bobs and Fezs were high indeed. “Luke and Laura together are so romantic, don’t you think so Red?”
“World domination or carbonic snow? A foot in the ass is what that Mikkos needs! When I was in Korea...” Eric was happy to escape what he was sure was the beginning of another of Red’s rants against soap operas and communists. So not the way he wanted to spend his summer. He entered his room making as little noise as possible and started to look for the stash where he now remembers it to be. Alas, he was not silent enough.
“mmm... Eric?” came the raspy voice of the girl in his bed “What time is it?”
“It’s just past noon, Jackie. I saved you some lunch/breaksfast if you want”
“Ok, thanks” Jackie answered slowly raising up from the bed, “I think I’ll take a shower first”
“Hi there, Boss” Hyde didn’t know what he found more annoying, being referred to as ‘boss’, which he always associated to ‘the man’ and everything he hated about society, or the happy, bubbly tone that Oh-look-at-my-poofy-hair-Randy was using. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” It was the stupid tone.
“It’s raining” Ok, it wasn’t just the tone; it was Randy that he didn’t like. The guy was a weird mix between Kelso and Forman that was just annoying. It was ok when Forman was in Africa and Donna needed a boy toy to distract herself from the pain or whatever other girly thing Donna was going through, but now that his skinny best friend was back the poofy haired one had to go. He already lasted a year and a half too many.
“New guy is right, today’s a beautiful day” Fez added from his place on the couch next to the record player where he keep playing his stupid album over and over again, apparently he didn’t want to wait to get home to listen to it.
“For the last time, name’s Randy” Hyde sighed at what he was sure was the beginning of the same old argument between those two.
“You still haven’t earned the right to have a name. You’re the new guy”
“I’ve been here for almost two years”
“So, I’ve been here for half a decate and I still don’t get called by my name!” Fez said the last part in a rush so it was barely understandable.
“That’s because no one can pronounce your name, and it’s ‘decade’” Hyde clarified against his better judgment.
“That’s what I said, decatte” Fez repeated rolling his eyes. Hyde just sighed.
“No, Fez. It’s-
“Choose your battles” Hyde interrupted Randy’s intent to correct Fez. Some things just weren’t worth the effort.
“You should listen to him, Randy. Hyde always has the best advice” Donna deadpanned from the door.
“Aii, woman you scared me!” Fez practically jumped from his seat “make some noise when you come in. It’s only polite”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked an offended Hyde “And shouldn’t you be out with that skinny boyfriend of yours?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me, Hyde?” Donna was giving him the slitting eyes, and he had no freaking idea why. But he wasn’t Forman, and Donna didn’t scare him.
“Now, I don’t know what your problem is, Donna, but I have nothing to do with it, so don’t take it out on me, man” His guess was that Forman did something stupid and tried to blame it on him. A certain destroyed science project from their elementary school’s days came to mind.
“Now, Hyde, how can you be so insensitive?” came Randy’s effeminate reproach “Can’t you see Donna is suffering over her break up with Forman?”
“What else is new?” Hyde rolled his eyes behind his glasses at Randy’s hopeful look, no wonder he was so happy today “They’re always fighting and making up before the week is over” the only relevance this held to Hyde was that he was going to have to hear to Forman’s whining over Donna, again.
“Not this time” Donna said with a serious and pissed off face. Hyde resisted the urge of rolling his eyes again, and people said that Jackie was melodramatic. At least when she got really mad at him was over things that made sense. Cheating, lack of commitment, marrying a stripper, he got that. He just didn’t like admitting he was in the wrong. But Donna, man, Donna gave Forman the third degree over the most stupid stuff.
“I have your tape right here, Donna” Randy said with a creepy happy smile going behind the counter to get the cassette. “I put some of the songs of my band in it, and some others that reminded me of you and us” Figures that Randy would try to get back with the ex-red head after she basically ignored him for a year and a half unless she was fighting with Forman. It was almost like Jackie-Kelso-Fez version 2.0 with the difference that Jackie always admitted to being manipulative, and Donna never would.
“Thank you, Randy” there it was, the flirting and smugness in her tone. She was probably expecting that Fez and he would go directly to Forman to inform him of the possible danger of losing her, or whatever. “I’ll make sure I put it at tonight’s show” Hot Donna’s show now continued to run on the school’s breaks when Donna came back to town. And with another glare towards Hyde and a smile towards Randy, Donna was gone.
“You still can’t find it, whatever is that you’re looking for?” Jackie asked while drying her hair sitting down on Eric’s bed.
“My stash” answered Eric now looking under the bed for the tenth time. “I was sure I still had some left from what Hyde gave me the other day”
“Oh, you mean those ones we smoke last night?”
“I though those one were yours!” Eric’s voice got all squeaky at the end of that sentence.
“Eric, I don’t hung out on dark, smelly alleys buying the stuff” Jackie said as it was completely obvious, which really it was. Jackie Burkhart didn’t do back alleys, her Hyde-period of insanity no withstanding.
“You told me it was yours!” this time Eric added wild gestures to his squeaky voice.
“Well, I lied” Jackie rolled her eyes at his ingenuity. “Everyone knows I lie, Eric”
“Was it just me, or Donna was seriously pissed at Hyde?” Fez asked nervously, Donna was scary when she was mad.
“Whatever, man. It’s probably that time of the month or something” Hyde had no patience to deal with whatever was the problem of the week between Donna and Eric.
“Actually, it was something you did, well said to Eric, and he followed your advice” Randy added with barely contained giddiness “and she came to me, and me, being the perfect gentleman, listened to her and consoled her”
“So you are saying that a hot girl came to you mad about her boyfriend and all vulnerable, and instead of taking advantage of the situation, you just listened to her rant” So he did the same thing once for Jackie, not that he’ll ever admit to being so... well, Jackie would call it sweet, he called it stupid. Maybe if he had started things with Jacks back then, she wouldn’t have been so hung up on Kelso. Yeah, and maybe pigs could fly, they just didn’t want to.
“Oh, I remember the days when Jackie would come to me telling me all about how much of a moron Kelso was or how much of an insensitive jerk Hyde was” Fez said sighing dreamily.
=== dream sequence===
(‘For Your Eyes Only’ is playing in the background)
Fez appears dressed up in a robe like Roger Moore as James Bond on the Havelock’s family boat. Suddenly, Jackie appears dressed up also in a robe with the wind sweeping up her hair in an alluring fashion.
“Oh, Fezzie. What would I do without you, my brave, strong, exotic spy?” her voice gets all husky and she is looking at Fez with dreamy eyes.
“I know, darling. You just can’t live without me” Fez says with an awful British accent.
“Oh, Fezzie. You make so hot. I feel like taking a moonlight swim” Fez drops her robe while she drops his.
===end of dream sequence===
“Ok, first of all, Fez” flatly says Hyde “you’re not James Bond” Randy nods at this while Fez looks middly offended “and second, that scene’s not gonna happen” Hyde just wouldn’t allow it, if anyone would disrobe Jackie, it would be him and no one else.
“How do you known it didn’t happen already” quipped Fez with a smug smile. ‘I would not frog Fez, I would not frog Fez’ was the mantra going on Hyde’s head. It would look as if he cared about Jackie. “Although I don’t think it’s going to happen again, what with Jackie spending the night with Eric and all”
“WHAT?!” Hyde exploded, momentarily forgetting all about being zen. Randy looked surprised first and then incredibly happy.
“Yes, last night after Donna threw me out from her closet, I happen to look towards Eric’s bedroom and I saw Jackie and him all really close together and laughing through the window” Hyde looked about to lose it. Randy gave a few steps away from him “I figured that Donna’s break up with Eric was serious this time, or at least it is for Eric”
“How did you know that they were broken up?” Randy asked for clarification, he was sure he was the first to know
“Oh, I was on the shower in the basement when they broke up” explained Fez
“What were you doing on the broken shower?” Randy asked him bewildered
“I was having some alone time with the lovely Miss June” Fez said matter of factly
“Uhg, sorry I asked” Randy shuddered, some things were just too much information.
“So now Jackie has officially done it with everyone on the group except the new guy” happily announced Fez unaware of effect his little revelation was having on Hyde.
“For the last time, name’s R-
“Hey guys” Eric Forman greeted happily at the door-for the last time “Hey, Hyde do you have more of you know what? Jackie smoked all of mine yesterday” Before Eric could even know what happen, Hyde jumped over counter and connected his fist with his face sending him to the floor, all in the space of less than two heartbeats.
“What the HELL, man?” was the barely conscious response of the guy sprawled on the floor.
“Stay the hell away from her, you spindles little twerp” everyone was watching on terrified as Hyde stood there panting and looking madder than they have ever seen him. “How could... How DARE you to... grhh...” usually when he got mad, Hyde had no problem coming up with insults and witty comebacks, but he was too mad and angry to think of anything right now. All he could hear were the thuds of his own heartbeat resonating on his eardrums. The only other time he ever felt like this was Chicago or that time that he though Jackie went to Kelso behind his back. Oh, he could see the pattern. Jackie. It was always about Jackie.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Eric spoke slowly, testing his jaw to make sure everything still worked alright. “And could please stop panting? You sound like Darth Vader, it’s scary”
“I think he means to be scary, Eric” Fez nervously added from the sidelines.
“Jackie, I’m talking about Jackie!” roared Hyde “about how you basically cheated on Donna with Jackie” The image of his best friend with Jackie was forever painted on his brain now thanks to Fez description.
“What?!” Eric looked more bewildered than ever, “me and the Devil? Are you insane?”
“I saw you from your bedroom window all cosy and laughing together” accused Fez daring him to contradict him.
“We were high” Eric started to explain keeping a cautious eye toward Hyde “She was feeling bad about what happened to her mom and I was feeling sad about my fight with Donna, so we were getting high to stop feeling bad and sad. I did not, nor would I ever sleep with Jackie” Eric finished with a shudder.
“Oh” Something about Eric’s speech sounded weir “What about her mom?”
“You didn’t know?” a dark frown appeared on Eric’s face “She swallowed her weight on sleeping pills. Jackie found her on the sofa” Hyde grimaced at this, Jackie didn’t deserve that. “She went into a coma yesterday. My mom heard it from one of her nurse friends and practically had me kidnap Jackie from her job, so she could mother her” So that’s why she didn’t come to his apartment last night. What did it say about him that he was happy that his ex-girlfriend’s mom tried to off herself?
“Where is she now?” Three pair of eyes looked at him strangely.
“She’s still at my house with my mother smothering with worry” Eric answered him quietly. As soon as he told him where to find her, Hyde was out of the door.