Happy Holiday's everyone! Sheesh. I've really got to update more. Updating my blog has always been something that I love doing but during the busy push-push-push of the regular school term, I tend to let myself slip into the rut of "Oh, ill do it tomorrow". That, of course, leads down the path of no return and before I know it, an entire season has slipped by between updates. I'm really going to try and change this. And I apologize to all those who message me asking if everything is ok. ^^ It really is, and in exactly one week, it'll be even better!
As usual with these long and far-between posts, I have a lot of new information to post about about the happenings in my furry and non-furry life and again I'm going to put it behind a cut just because it's probably going to be pretty sizeable but for those of you who want the short version, here it is with the quickness!
I am a week out from finishing the term! I have a brand spankin' new job! I have exactly six works of graphic design going to ADDYs and one going to an even higher competition! I won't be going to Further Confusion this year. I'm resgistered for the "Milkman Triathlon" in June! Random thoughts and feelings.
Ahhh yes. I can't wait. This time next week i'll be sitting here on a five week recess from classes. I can't wait. But this next week is going to be brutal. I don't really know what it is but finals have gone from something that I used to look forward to with enthusiasm to just blah-ness. I think my being a little burnt out from continuous, non-stop school may be part of it because this term, I just haven't been "feeling it" as much as I have in the past. I admit though, six terms in a row, three terms a year, non-stop is a lot to do in one shot. A nice, long summer vacation never sounded so good. At least soon ill have a short break. Ill be up-front with you all: This term has really kicked my tail! Well, I shouldn't say that... really only one class is killing me. And that class is "Design Concepts 300". Its the final class before I get into my upper-division design classes and it is tough as hell. Right now, I'm barely holding a C+/B- and that is dangerous.
Dangerous because it will endanger my chances of holding onto my scholarship that I won over the summer term. The class is small now, it started with 11 students and now its down to just 5. Everyone else dropped out along the way. I'm one of the last few. My final project will be a three-part ad campaign. Wish me luck you guys! I'm going to really need it.
New Job!
I have a new Job! Yes! I beat out three other students for a part time job working at
SMPC Architects. Its an established architecture firm here in Albuquerque that is only now realizing it needs a dedicated marketing staff to stay competitive. I was hired two weeks ago as their Design and Marketing assistant and it's great. I have my own office and free reign to do whatever I want with it. I haven't done anything yet because I haven't had the time. But what do you guys think? Ill probably make a post soon on "What Ari should put in his office!" so start thinking of your ideas now, yeah? ^^ I feel really lucky because for a part time job for a full-time student, the pay is really good. Really, REALLY good.
ADDY's and more...
The competitions are coming up! And as it stands I have six pieces of mine going. I think by sheer numbers, I should have a great chance of winning something! If that wasn't enough, I have a shot at winning another competition called "The One Show". I always thought ADDY's were the top of the line... but the One Show is even more highly regarded. If I win something there, even a silver or bronze or honorable mention, Its pretty well secured that I could work anywhere I choose when I graduate. How about them apples?
No FC for me
Its true... *sigh*. This year, I wont be going to FC, my annual winter vacation! There are multiple factors for this...
A) My old job as a student worker wasn't paying nearly enough this semester to save for the cost of the trip
B) I hadn't gotten my new, well paying position at the architect firm until it was too late. I dont want to ask for time off so soon. Looks bad.
C) I have those competitions that I have to get ready for! O_o
D) I don't want to dig into my meager savings account for the trip and...
E) I don't want to rack up large expenses on my credit card so soon after paying it off. Boo credit card debt!
I love all you guys though. Without my extended furry family, I don't know what i'd do. Ill work something out in 2008, something to make up for this. Perhaps I'll go to AC instead ^^. And of course, I am looking forward to the awesome fun-ness that is Rocky Mountain Fur Con! Woo!
Last but not least! I got my confirmation email from the people who put on a triathlon here in New Mexico called the "Milkman Triathlon". It takes place in June and consists of typical running, biking and swimming stages. I participated last year and held up pretty good on the running and biking sections... but the swimming? Not so much. I'm an alright swimmer, but the people who participate in triathlons I discovered, are a whole new breed of mean! They kicked my ass in that stage and I finished near the back of the pack. Granted, my wetsuit wasn't one that was designed for triathlons and that makes a big difference. This time, though. i'm going to be ready! Now that I'm not exactly scrapping by, I think I may invest in a better one...
This one sells for a good price of about USD $320. I think I might get it sometime in the spring so I can have time to practice with it before the triathlon. Not only is it kinda sexy looking, but hey, if it helps me do better in that swimming stage than I did last year, then why not? Woo! Someone already suggested that it could also be good for fursuiting. Is that a good idea? Or should I just stick with the dive skin? I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
Also, its kinda funny. A fur tonight messaged me and said how funny it was for a fur to be interested in sports and physical fitness and all that stuff. I guess in the fandom, "Athletic Furry" is almost an oxymoron. Certainly looking around a con can reveal people who certainly don't look like they exercise but why is this? Why don't more furs get out and get physical? (yiff doesn't count!) Someone once said to me that they looked the way they did (overweight and out of shape) because inside, they knew their soul was that of a tiger. That didn't seem like a good excuse at all.
Anyways, thats about if for now. Again I'll make it a priority to try and update more than once every six weeks :) Because thats pretty pathetic. Tell me what you guys think about the questions I've asked here! I'd love to know what you think on all of them. So until later, peace!