(no subject)

Feb 15, 2012 15:51

I like my job again. :) Ryan has been much less of an asshole, to the point where he told me to go to hell yesterday because he 'hadn't said anything mean in a couple weeks'.

What's messed up is that I'm not a bad employee and never have been. Getting yelled at depends solely on what kind of mood they're in. If I was a total fuck up, I'd never complain, but alas. Crazy crazies.

And yesterday I came in and there were a few blank schedules on the counter, with a different name on each one, for about five of us. Chris let us make our own schedules as a 'reward'. Didn't mention what we were being rewarded for, and I honestly haven't the faintest - not even a guess. I put down all nights ('cept Sunday, when we're only open day), five to close, and got mostly that, with a few mornings too. And then after the clusterfuck rush of Valentines' diner, she gave me another shift 'cause I'm so awesome. So I got me about nine shifts next week. :3 Makin' bank, yo.

Now if I could only stop spending so much damn money at Starbucks. >_>

I've made the decision to start putting a lot more effort into my appearance. Kind of a whim sort of thing that's likely going to blow on over in a few weeks, but I'm trying. I generally give absolutely no part of a shit about it. Eyeliner is as far as makeup goes and pigs'll fly before I actually remove nail polish within two months. But that's gonna change, yessir. I've lost a crapton of weight since I started walking, and yesterday I bought Shape Ups (had to get a new pair of non-slip shoes for work, and I figured, why the hell not get a pair that works my legs more?) and after just one day, about four miles, my ass hurts. Seriously. Pain. But mayhaps I'll lose the thunder thighs and I might (might) start doing light exercise to work my upper half (...it's not likely).

Generally, if I don't smell, I don't care. And it's not that I want other people to notice me, really, it's that... well hell, I don't know. My habits started changing slowly (I found myself removing nail polish after just a week of it being chipped - gasp!) and I realized that it really doesn't take too/i> much effort to look a bit nicer, so why not go the extra mile foot and a half.

Plus, I keep whim-buying new makeup. Ha. Gotta put it to use somehow.

blah blah blah blah blah. Gonna go paint now. :3
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