I actually took the time and effort to post a lenghier update and it screwed up. Boo you phone.
I started nano today in the fifteen minutes I had between shifts. I barely have an inkling of what the plot is going to be but its going to be something and I will write fifty thousand damn words this month. Writing longhand sucks.
Word count: about three hundred. Wooot! I'm gonna have to get to thee library so I can do some word wars. I'm looking at you, kara. :3
I met a boy last night. We passed out together but didn't do anything. He's such a cutie pie. he posted something on fb this morning that I'm pretty sure was about me and if it was, awwwwwwww. It was all 'just met her and I'm crushin hard' and stuff. Too cute, this boy.
I gotta go work. Boo. Stupid dishes. Sttupid work. Stupid bills.
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