Funny Healing for Father’s Day!

Jun 18, 2017 15:42

Happy Father's Day,

In honor of this day, I would like to honor our Heavenly Father with a report of his amazing-and amusing-power.

I am working on my next article on the Commandments and morality, but in the interm, here is one of my more amusing healings.

One day, some years ago, I realized that I was seriously ill. Being a Christian Scientist, I decided to turn this over to God. I was scared, terrified, but I called a Christian Science practitioner, pulled out my Books (The Bible and Science and Health: with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy), and got to work. I spent the whole weekend studying, praying, and reading Christian Science periodicals (The Journal and The Sentinel, best magazines ever.)

After a bit, between contemplating the truths of the Bible and reading many testimonies of healing through prayer, the fear ebbed some. By the end of the weekend, I felt less terrified, and a sense of peace had come to me.

I wasn't healed yet. It would take another six months to a year, some frightening moments, and a lot of prayer before perminent healing came, but…

After that first weekend, I suddenly realized that I had been healed-of disliking bananas and monkeys.

All my life, I had hated bananas, their taste, their smell, and I had not cared much for monkeys either.

The day after this first weekend of prayer, I realized that this dislike had entirely vanished. I could now eat bananas, stand in rooms they were in, and could see the charm of monkeys.

Why this particular healing, I have no idea!

As my eldest son likes to say, "God is odd."

Originally posted to Welcome to Arhyalon. (link)

father's day, healing, testimony, christian science, god

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