woops! Here's the post for last week!

Feb 03, 2008 23:13

Quickly, as I want sleep (although that's a little rediculous since I spent about 12 hours sleeping last night, but whatever ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sylvarkallistra February 4 2008, 21:13:32 UTC
I like the idea of Pikachu running around with Darth Vader and some jedi's, it suggest to me hilariously bad crossover fanfiction ^_^
I am also awed by your ability to write research papers in Italian, I can barely write a fairy tale in German. Glad you got your spirits back up.


arhwanamystiana February 5 2008, 11:04:49 UTC
lol...yeah, I'd stop from time to time and look at all the pages I'd written and think, GEEZ. All of this is in Italian. WOW. It really must just come from living in the language for 5 months. It gets easier to communicate every day, so explaining myself when I have the chance to use a dictionary and change parts that sound crappy isn't that hard...you just have to make sure you have enough to write about.
Anyway, I am feeling better, but I still wish I could find a magical dirt cheap plane ticket to the States to see friends, family, and nephew when he gets here. *sigh* I think it helped that I sat down and decided where else I was going to travel to before June, so now I have things to plan and keep me occupied.
How's it going with Beverly and the Vet school stuff? Classes going well?


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