A good day for comics

Jul 02, 2008 20:08

Today I picked up the following. I was able to keep it under 20 bucks AND I really enjoyed most of what I got.

Squadron Supreme #1 - I got this because it is written by Chaykin, and I was thinking about him recently. It's pretty good, the art is good,  it's intriguing enough to maybe get me into issue #2

Billy Batson and the magic of Shazam #1: Written and drawn by Mike Kunkel - This is cute as heck. The art is just... cool as all get out and so cute it makes me go awwww and giggle when I look at it. Cute little girl Mary Marvel kicks the crap out of evil black costume mary marvel (not literally) I liked the issue a lot, it was a lot of fun and the art is fun as well.

Madame Xanadu #1 - This is a new Vertigo title from Matt Wagner. Amy Reeder Hadley does the absolutely beautiful art in this book. It is stunning and clean and easy to read, etc.  The story so far is a lot of Arthur Legend, the main character is Nimue I guess, and she is awesome, Morgan is awesome, Just a lovely comic, and it has me interested enough to keep getting it. I am a Matt Wagner fan in general, and I think this is good stuff regardless.

Astonishing X-Men #25 - This is the first of Warren Ellis's run on Astonishing. I HATE Bianchi's art in this. Hate.. for serious. It gets in the way to me. I would prefer almost anything to this... except for Lenil Yu.. probably wouldn't prefer that. The team this time (so far) is Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Orroro, Armor, Beast... Not bad, and Emma is brilliant so far, I am willing to give this a chance. Hate the art, like the comic anyway.

Oh... It's set in San Francisco... or near it... Mutants in San Franciso... Go figure...*

*I was once a co-mod / co-creator of a San Francisco based Mutant Roleplaying game (mostly original characters)


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