Feb 05, 2008 19:17
Okay so i have a full time job now and meh.
I work from 8:30 - 5 each day except friday when i get to finish at 4:30.
I just got my own log in today and its gonna take me about an hour or so tomorrow to set it up and i still have a heap of stuff to do *sigh*.
On a better note I got to see Chris today. it was only briefly but still a familiar face is nice. I dont get to chat to anyone at work really (lunch break if was have it at the same time). One of the reasons I miss laserforce and other being your friends help you out whether its with work or just a good bitch, lol.
Weekends are a bit odd to have off on the count that you have 2 whole days off and you know your not gonna be called in to work. I'm thinking im gonna have to think of a hobby or something that i can do. All in due time though.
I can think of anything else so TTFN