Apr 17, 2006 18:24
i was tagged by soundofbraille .
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. i love putting things in alphabetical order. this includes: names of people i'm friends with, music on mix CDs, and almost every list i make. i will sometimes rewrite a list to make it alphabetical.
2. i'll drive around for 10 minutes or more to find a close parking spot rather than parking farther away. (i'm working on it, though.)
3. i always wish that i could do better, be cooler, have more fun, weigh less, get better grades, win more awards, make more money, have more respect, be more involved, participate more in things i believe in, and just do more to pursue my passions. i don't because i'm comfortable.
4. i could nudge around a design in an adobe program for hours to get it just perfect, and to a regular observer, there is no difference than what it looked like hours ago. but i can tell.
5. i like to make up stories when i'm drunk and talking to people i don't know... it's fun to pretend to be someone else/a better version of me. it's often a way to see who i want to be and what my goals are for myself.
6. i wish i listened to my mom when i was in high school and she told me i should study graphic design. i didn't listen and i didn't realize it until recently that i want to be a graphic designer. luckily, i am getting my foot in the door and making it happen, but sometimes i have to imply that i know more than i do. i'm now scared that i may have to go back to school again... and i'm now excited that i may have to go back to school again.
i tag (7. i got nervous about making 6 tags):