paranoia paranoia

Jan 31, 2008 14:48

I don't know how this came about but I've found myself getting more and more annoyed at bandom lately. I just hate that it's so OBSESSIVE. Everyone in this fandom is obsessed and it's annoying! Even I can't stop talking about them! ldkfjas;lkdfj fuck that. In that same vein: FUCK YOU RYAN ROSS I HATE YOU NOW. >:((((

Okay. Today we are at Rae's parents new house because we are watching Lost with Chris, and then we're going to watch Zeitgeist. I totally and completely advise you all to click that link and watch the movie. It will completely blow your mind out of your ass. Share the link with friends, get the message out there. The first part of it is about the Bible and how it all can be linked to astrology, which is actually extremely interesting, and the second part is about 9/11 and it's similarities to other events that have led us into war. It's pretty fucking intense and screwed up as shit and TERRIFYING because it makes so much sense.

The third part is where it gets really interesting, it's about the Federal Reserve and the North American Union and how every major war the U.S has been a part of was possible by the government using "terrorist attacks" to change public opinion. IT'S SO FUCKING CRAZY. Watch it, it's interesting.

Anyway, nothing is up, really! I had a really bad toothache for a while, but it's gone now. Yay, painkillers and herbal antibiotics! I went to Subway with Rae's mom to see her and get a sandwich, so I think I shall eat that now.
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