003. Glee Club Meeting: Be There Or Resign Your Position (Original Members Only, Thank You)

Jan 14, 2012 00:08

Your attendance is required promptly at 7am in the school gymnasium on Monday morning. It won't give us much time to prepare, but I have already organised the musical arrangements and choreographed the number.

Oh, I seem to be getting ahead of myself. The meeting is regarding our performance at Wednesday's whole school assembly. I met with Principal Figgins early this morning before homeroom and he has, in exchange for our services at his wife's next Leather, Feather and Prayer Party, allowed a three minute slot to allow us to recruit new members.

For this meeting, please bring yourselves, any costume ideas, your rapping skills and knee pads.

Have a fabulously gleeful weekend!

Your flawless captain,
Rachel Berry ★

school: glee club, friend: finn hudson, friend: kurt hummel, friend: artie abrams, friend: tina cohen-chang, friend: mercedes jones

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