Nov 01, 2010 13:42
Considering that I've been on Gravy for a total of almost ten minutes and she hasn't bluescreened yet, I think I might've fixed her.
She was literally crashing within minutes of me restarting her, unless it was in safe mode.
I looked up what could cause the error she was displaying (on one of the computer lab computers, obviously). One of the things was faulty anti-virus software. Another was something that could be fixed with a registry scan. So I started her in safe mode, did the registry scan, fixed all that was wrong there. Restarted. And she crashed again. So I started her in safety mode again and uninstalled Norton. Started her up normally, and now she's working fine.
Fuck Norton.
Yeah, I know, everyone's always like "Don't use norton, other programs work better" and yeah, I have a couple other things on my computer (and will probably be getting a couple more here soon) that do the same thing. But no one ever said that Norton could hurt my computer. NEVER using that shit again. I know Dad had the misfortune of actually paying for the pos program, but I'm not using it after what it did to Gravy. She's a good girl, she does her best.
In other news, I have a FUCKTON of Greek reading to do before class, and I have to explain to the professor that I don't have my test (or any of my quizzes from last week) for him today, even though I should have. That'll be fun. I'll be more or less honest. I'll tell him I got less than 12 hours of sleep last week, prior to Friday, and that I've been really stressed out because of my computer, and unable to work on her because of all the shit that was wrong with her. I'll probably leave out the bit about how worried I was about him. But I was.'
Anyway, tons of shit to talk about, about what happened this weekend and stuff, but I'll save that for later. For now: HOLY SHIT I THINK I SAVED MY BABY~!