I recently found this blog-type artistic project-y thing and as a writer and a very very amateurish graphic designer (ZOMGicanusephotoshop!) I'm kind of fascinated by it. Six Word Story Every Day. A recent story:
The coolest one I've seen so far:
Hopefully those links work....
I love the things you find from people you know on the Internet. I just found a song in my iTunes library that I had never really listened to. Someone mentioned it on their blog, so I went and found it in my library and listened to it. Turns out I love it.
I'm also *gasp* reading a BOOK today. You know, those wondrous things made of paper and ink and binding glue and whatnot? It's not even a book I have to read for school or a book I don't really want to read but am reading because I'm allowed to at work. It's a Tamora Pierce. At almost 21, I really ought to be too old for these, but I love them. It's the last in the Beka Cooper trilogy and I just realized like a few days ago that it came out in October and so I went and got it this morning in the rush at B&N.
God, I love break. I feel like a human again.