I think I may be some kind of superhuman being

May 29, 2011 21:20

Because in the past 24 hours, I have read the entirety of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and 111 pages of Mockingjay by the same.

According to the page count for each novel given by my Kindle, that's an even 880 pages. Not my absolute best pace (I read the 700-odd pages of Harry Potter 7 in 13 hours flat from the time I received it at Barnes & Noble at midnight), but certainly not something I achieve every weekend (or basically any other time, that I remember). And the truly amazing thing is I did a bunch of other stuff in the past 24 hours, too:

-wrote a blog post
-drove to Chic-Fil-A in search of food (only to realize it was Sunday)
-drove back from Chic-Fil-A
-read the Hunger Games Wikipedia page and whined over the awful casting
-talked to my brother at length
-modified my resume and sent it to 2 potential employers

and, most impressively,
-got a full 7 hours of sleep

You can easily edit out at least 9 of those twenty-four hours right there (7 hours sleeping, .5 to Chic-Fil-A and back, .5 showering, .5 writing a blog post, probably 1 doing my resume and stuff).

Basically, I am a super human. And my eyes hurt. Next time I go to the eye doctor I KNOW they're gonna give me reading glasses. Honestly, they should have last time.

Also, The Hunger Games is easily the best series I've read in literally YEARS. At this point in time, I would put it at the #2 slot on my list of Favorite Books of All Time, bested only by Harry Potter (which I obsessed over for about six years, my entire young adolescence and which will never be bested by anything ever). How have I been missing out on this for so long? Reviews to come, as soon as I'm done.

geektastic, weirdness, obsessions, books, being an adult, favorite things

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