Any other name by which you call a rose would smell as sweet...

May 26, 2011 18:10

I totally got that quote wrong because my brain is fried and I'm too lazy to figure out what the actual quote is. Shakespeare fail. Sad panda.

About three thousand words into this story I'm writing, I've decided that it's time to stop using stand-in names for my characters and actually name them something that makes sense. There's really only one name that I've been using so far that I'm happy with.

Unfortunately, I feel like I've got so many associations with common names now that I'm having a hard time coming up with something I like. I'm also like extremely, extremely picky. For my main character, I want something that's vaguely Irish in original but not too weird/hard-to-pronounce/outside mainstream, and I'm coming up blank. I've been scrolling through and I've got nothing. I'm about two steps from going through every letter in the alphabet on there and going through every single female name. I fucking hate names. I have two female characters I need to name. They're very different characters and they need very different names, but I kind of want their names to start with the same letter for arbitrary/thematic reasons. Gahhhhhhh. Fuck names fuck names fuck names. I usually don't have this hard of a time with this. I was calling them Amy and Alice, but that just seems too generic. Idk idk idk.

So now I'm sitting here basically having a panic attack because I don't know what to do. Why can't this just be easy??? 

cray cray, decisions, fail, writing

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