Jan 24, 2011 22:44
Can we talk, for a second, about the fact that I giggle like a small child when I'm reading good screenwriting?
I'm not sure this is a good thing.
I'm not sure why it makes me so happy.
But it does, and I do.
And "The Social Network" by Aaron Sorkin is DEFINITELY good screenwriting.
"It won't be finished, that's the point. The way fashion's never finished."
"Fashion. Fashion is never finished."
"You're talking about fashion? Really? You?"
"They're saying-- the Winklevoss twins are saying you stole their idea."
"I find that to be a little more than mildly annoying."
"They find it to be intellectual property theft..."
How can you not grin while reading lines like that? Is it physically possible not to?
Or is this a weird screenwriter thing?