Previously . . . It's been a relatively quiet day at Neptune High. Hannah had no papers due and no tests toay. No major scandals have broken, everyone is still dating or not dating the people they were dating or not dating this morning, no one's been beaten up or taped to a flagpole
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The reaction of the other students does not go unnoticed. She glances sidelong at Booth, who is carrying a couple of pizza boxes.
"I don't remember outside visitors being this big of a deal when I was in high school."
On the other hand, the FBI had never turned up at her high school, so she may not be in the best position to judge.
He can't wave, thanks to pizza, but he beams at Hannah.
"Hi Hannah." They have by now crossed the courtyard. "I hope you don't mind us dropping in again. We have to catch an afternoon flight back and wanted to 'hang' with you a little more before we left."
She's picked up 'hang' as an idiom during this trip to California. She believes it is somehow related to surfing in this context.
"The pizza was Booth's idea," she adds.
"Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan, this is Emily Conlin, Geoff Adams, and Sam Keith, who I think you've met," she adds, getting a little dry there at the end.
There's a somewhat muttered round of inarticulate hello's.
"So, case is all solved?"
He drops the pizza on the table. "Dig in."
"The stunt people have been arrested for the murder," she explains further. "None of Lynn Echolls's family was involved as it turns out.
This is nothing that they won't be hearing on the news this evening. It's okay to discuss it.
"That's great," says Hannah, taking a slice of pizza.
Her friends are still visibly perplexed by the new arrivals, and then Emily begins to giggle.
"Hey, Hannah," she says, "it just occurred to me. Do your friends have enough pirate points for pizza?"
Hannah starts to giggle, too.
It may be Booth and Brennan's turn to be perplexed.
"Pirate points?" Booth asks.
In case either Booth or Brennan is wondering, there are a lot of pirate points among the students at this table.
"And," Emily adds, "there are people who like to keep tabs on whether or not anyone is cheating."
Not necessarily a bad thing--just yet another of the techniques school administrations use to promote a socially acceptable standard of good behavior.
"It's safe to say that Booth and I don't have any, but as non-students we'd have no way to earn them anyway."
Hannah's losing her battle with a straight face.
"I kind of don't think anyone is going to harass Agent Booth about pirate points," says Hannah.
It might cause him to loom.
"So," says Sam, to Booth and Brennan. "You'll be going home to . . . wherever?"
He helps himself to a slice of meat lovers - nothing like a little artery clogging to celebrate the end of a case. "And you guys are all seniors, right?"
She nods. "Yep. Counting what's left of our high school experience in months these days."
Hannah is looking forward to getting away from Neptune herself.
"Nice," he says, helping himself to another slice. "And then you're off to all reaches of the globe. Or the country, at least, right?"
Geoff, who clearly still doesn't quite know what to make of these stange adults crashing his lunch table, shrugs. "It's a good school."
"And I have letters to send off for you whenever you need them," Brennan adds to Hannah.
A recommendation from an expert in the field never hurt an applicant's chances.
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