
Jul 24, 2007 21:18

As an excuse to visit the San Diego area goes, the Museum of Man is probably about as good as it gets for an anthropologist. Very kind of them to put it there, really ( Read more... )

thread, neptune, brennan

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dr_temperance July 26 2007, 01:34:24 UTC
The silence stretches on after Brennan finishes her recount.

It doesn't necessarily make her uncomfortable, but it can't go on forever either.

"At least we have a few more answers now," she finally says.

Not the most encouraging of answers maybe, but answers.


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 01:41:18 UTC
"Yeah," says Hannah, nodding. "Sorry, I'm just sort of . . . processing, I guess."


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 01:45:01 UTC
Brennan nods.

"It's a lot. To process."

She goes quiet again, and picks up the skull in her gloved hands, silently examining it.

Giving Hannah some semblance of privacy to process without leaving her on her own.


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 01:49:15 UTC
"I think," says Hannah, finally, "it makes it a little better. Or at least not any worse."

Sometimes, that's all you get.

"Thanks. For finding out. And coming to tell me."


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 01:55:15 UTC
"I've often found that answers, even if they're not the answers that you want, are better than not knowing."

As Brennan knows from experience, both professional and personal.

She offers Hannah a half smile over the skull.

"And you're welcome."


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 01:59:03 UTC
"So where are you staying?" Hannah asks.

She can't quite summon any real interest in the skull.


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 02:14:16 UTC
Brennan carefully sets the skull aside.

"At the Neptune Grand."


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 02:32:38 UTC
"Kinda inconvenient for San Diego, isn't it?" she asks, with just a slight smile.


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 02:44:08 UTC
A smile that Brennan returns.

"San Diego wasn't really the purpose of the visit."

"Besides," she adds, trying to lighten the mood a bit, "it's a nice hotel."


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 02:49:24 UTC
"Yeah," says Hannah, who left it under rather less than nice circumstances the last time she visited. But that is water long gone under the bridge, or over the dam.

"I'll give you the nickle tour of Neptune," Hannah offers. "Sites of interests.

"Mostly crime scenes."


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 03:01:40 UTC
Brennan nods.

"Okay. I usually don't get a chance to tour the towns I'm visiting."

The tours she does get to take almost always involve crime scenes, but that's okay.

"If you want to talk...about Henry or the Commodore or anything..."


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 03:24:48 UTC
"I'll let you know," Hannah says. "I promise."

There aren't, sadly, a lot of Neptune Highlights that aren't crime scenes.


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 03:30:55 UTC

"So," Brennan rests her elbows on the table, "what is there to see in Neptune? Crime scenes or otherwise?"


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 03:44:51 UTC
"Well, there's the Grand, where you're staying, and where Aaron Echolls was murdered and Beaver Casablancas jumped off the roof, on the same night. And there's the Coranado Bridge, where Aaron's wife Lynn leapt to her death and where Logan got in that knife fight with the gang. And there's the boardwalk, where are far as I know, no one's been killed. And Amy's, for ice cream. And the PCH, of course. And, um, the what used to be the Kane mansion, where Lilly Kane was murdered, and the old site of the Echolls mansion, which burned to the groubd. And the high school."


dr_temperance July 26 2007, 04:02:45 UTC
Brennan looks probably a little more bemused than she ought to.

"Do many of those make it into the official tourism brochures?"

She lives in a tourist town herself after all.

A tourist brochure that highlighted murders in DC would probably go on for pages.


argyle_princess July 26 2007, 04:27:13 UTC
"A lot of tour companies hit the Echolls highlights," says Hannah, shrugging. "They were kinda a big deal."


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