Argus's sword, Amos, is a work of art.
It was forged by the Basilica Domus Lux Lucis smith, Grandmaster Macha - a gift to Argus from the Guardian. The Grandmaster Smith makes one sword every year, and it it is said that the sword chooses its master depending on the will of the Guardian Star.
Amos, in partucular, is a
kris bladed sword. Approximately 36" from pommel to point, the sword is fashioned in the style of a
German Landsknecht. This massive, two handed sword could be artfully wielded by very few - thicker and shorter than a traditional Landsknecht, Amos is a hefty sword. For a Silanvarian Guardian sword, Amos is strangely plain - with the exception of the two ruby-lined blood grooves, and a large Hessonite Garnet adorning the pommel. This sword has never been used to draw blood.
It is said that Silanvari can tell much about a person from their Guardian sword. Since each sword picks its master, it's a highly personalized, ritualistic process. Puberty is celebrated with the Presentation of the Sword, a community festival giving thanks to the Mastersmith who has forged it with the family for a period of one year, and the coming of age ceremony for the recipient. For outsiders like Argus, they must wait until the Guardian calls him to his sword, which is forged by the Grandmaster Smith of the Basilica Domus Lux Lucis. People from other planets who come to live on Silanvar are considered gifts from the Guardian Star (especially children), and are therefore granted the swords forged from the Hands of the Guardian - the Grandmaster Smith.
Argus was 23 when he recieved Amos. Dune was 16 when she recieved Visk.
Dune's sword is a great contrast to Argus's. Hers is an elegant, wide bladed scimitar, forged of a cobalt blue steel. It is shaped like a flame. The hilt is straight, wrapped in black leather and imbedded with sapphires. The swordguard extends out into two, silver steel spikes. The pommel is the lacquered, fossilized skull of a small, pre-Silanvari Hominid creature. Visk is never used to draw blood - he is used much as a magician uses a magic wand - to direct the flow of energy. As a Necromancer, Dune finds Visk to be a most useful tool.