Prompt me?

Jun 08, 2008 18:11

I am sick today. Again. Aargh, aargh, aargh. So no mcsmooches from me yet.

(However, I did manage to do a tiny amount of work on my RL project, so I win a little, yes?)

Anyway, flist, listen. My brain is broken. I'm not kidding; I'm really having a hard time thinking and concentrating (you may get that emo post from me yet), so what I need from you is something in the way of prompts for mcsmooch. What kinds of kisses would you like to see? What situations, moods, etc.? Be as specific or abstract as you choose. I need some sparks, bad.

I'm not promising to use your prompts, I just need to be inspired. You all don't mind being inspirational, do you? Virtual cookies and real love for anyone who leaves me any kind of idea.

I fully intend on doing more than one smooch, as long as I can get the brain to turn over without sputtering to a halt.

life of argosy, sga, writing

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