Welcome, everyone new, and hello to those of you who've been around. :D
So McShep friending meme=successful, looks like. Plus, I've had a bunch of new stories lately and people have friended me based on that. What I'm trying to say, is that it's been a little hard to keep track around here lately. I think I friended everyone from the meme, but if I haven't, raise your hand and I'll friend you back. :)
That goes for people who have friended me for various other reasons as well. Let me know if you want to be added back, or just comment a lot, that usually works too. :D
Speaking of which--I love it when people talk to me on lj. Please don't be shy about commenting, even if you think we don't know each other that well. I am much friendlier on the internets than I am in real life. :D
And, if you're here for the fic,
here is an almost complete list. I'll probably move something else here to this journal tomorrow. Sexy McShep vampire AU remix? Rodney/Teyla wacky, yet poignant comedy? You make the call.
So, hi everyone! *waves* Give me a wave back, and tell me something about yourself. Let's make this easy--how about (current or former) pets? I have a 2 year old rat named Nero? You?