I Have Varied (and Weird) Interests

Sep 24, 2007 16:09

Okay, why am I suddenly getting reviews for As Sharp As Any Thorn at the Petulant Poetess? Did somebody do a rec?

alexajohnson had a fun little meme up the other day.

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post your this along with your answers in your own ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

sheafrotherdon September 25 2007, 01:01:02 UTC
Oh my god, you have no idea how much 20th C. boy is a balm to my soul today. It's so my RARRRRRRRRRRR! WORRRLD!!! song, and I lost it when my last laptop crashed. Now I can once again play it in the car driving home and releasing all my angst into the void :D *cranks the volume*


argosy September 25 2007, 02:40:44 UTC
It is absolutely a RRRARR WORLD song. I'm glad I could provide it for you. :)


schmoo999 September 25 2007, 02:19:32 UTC
Oh I will play....



argosy September 25 2007, 02:46:48 UTC
Coolness. :D Okay... Anne Bishop, cross stitch, Jean Harlow, lust, orthodox christianity, pronzevilletopia, tattoos. *hugs*


a_bees_buzz September 25 2007, 02:23:47 UTC
I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them.

With my interests list? Can't be done. At least not in any vaguely sane way. *giggles*


argosy September 25 2007, 02:50:24 UTC
Heh, I see what you mean, you crazy girl, you. ;)


ceteramisto September 25 2007, 03:02:17 UTC
Wandered in from friendsfriends and I just have to say, Yeah, for Nero Wolfe fans! Also, did you know that Rex Stout and P.G. Wodehouse mutually admired each others work.


argosy September 25 2007, 04:49:18 UTC
Yay, Nero Wolfe! And yes, I did know P.G. and Stout were mutual admirers. In fact in a few of the Wodehouse stories, Bertie reads Nero Wolfe novels. :)

And icon snap!


somandalicious September 25 2007, 03:30:17 UTC
Josh Charles is the narrator for the "Army Stronge" commercials????

omg. I'll never be able to watch Pie in the Sky in the same way again. Or Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. I used to date a guy that looked kind of like Josh Charles...hmmm.

anyway, that factoid really blew my mind.


argosy September 25 2007, 04:53:18 UTC
He totally is the narrator! Wait til one comes on again and listen. Once you know it's totally obvious. It's pretty freaky. It blew my mind when I found out, too. :D

And what's with your icon? Explain plz.


somandalicious September 25 2007, 05:31:33 UTC
oh definitely. I usually blip-blip(the sound Tivo makes when you skip stuff) the commercials, but now I'll keep an ear and eye out.

Um that is Brandon Flowers. You know, from the Killers. I really don't have any other explanation other than I like it. I never really noticed he was making rude gestures...hahahaha I'm sorry.

I suppose I just didn't think of it that way. My perception of things is so positive sometimes it's nearly naivete.

so I'll play your game.


argosy September 25 2007, 22:52:26 UTC
Heh, I didn't notice the rude gesture either. I just wanted to know who was so blinkie-blinkie. I totally didn't recognize him.

Okay, for interests: alfie, cleverness, mansfield park, orgasmo and ninny, rekkids, sewing, taps.


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