I Have Varied (and Weird) Interests

Sep 24, 2007 16:09

Okay, why am I suddenly getting reviews for As Sharp As Any Thorn at the Petulant Poetess? Did somebody do a rec?

alexajohnson had a fun little meme up the other day.

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post your this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along. These are what she picked:

P. G. Wodehouse-- Ah, if I can rec one author to you--if you ever listen to me about anything--this is who I want you to read. Fandom loves the "Jeeves and Wooster" TV show, and I know a lot of you are Wodehouse fans already, but if not, he's the funniest author who's ever written in English. I leave you with a quote from one of my other favortite writers, Evelyn Waugh-- "Mr. Wodehouse's idyllic world can never stale. He will continue to release future generations from captivity that may be more irksome than our own."

Harlan Ellison-- In my angsty youth, this is who I read non-stop, and I still adore him. He's arguably the greatest science fiction short story writer ever; I reccommend the stories "A Boy and his Dog," "From A to Z, in the Chocolate Alphabet," "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream," and "Jeffty Is Five," and the collection Deathbird Stories.

Glam Rock-- The best things about the movie Velvet Goldmine were the fashion and the pretty boys, so here's a pic:

, and here's a song, "20th Century Boy" by T. Rex.

Nero Wolfe-- Supergenius housebound detective created by Rex Stout. If I can rec two authors to you, the second would be Stout--any Wolfe book. Brilliant wordplay, eminently rereadable, and I have a huge crush on Archie Goodwin, his assistant.

Ziggy Stardust-- I fell in love with David Bowie when I was fourteen, and I haven't recovered yet. Why "Ziggy Stardust?" Just listen.

Josh Charles-- played Dan Rydell on Sports Night. If I had discovered fandom in time, you would have lots of Danny/Casey slash from me. Alas it was not to be. Still love Josh Charles; I have no idea why he doesn't seem to get more work. Although, checking his IMDB page, I discovered he is the voice of the "Army Strong" commercials, and now I can't help thinking of Sports Night when those come on.

Jeeves-- brings us back to the first interest on the list. He's P.G. Wodehouse's most famous creation: an unflappable valet with an unerring sense of the correct dress for young gentlemen (not soft shirts, by any means.) He can solve any problem and extricate you from any scrape you may have gotten into, or accidental proposal you may have made. We could all use a Jeeves, but there's only one, more's the pity.
Whew! If you'd like me to pick out some of your interests, tell me so in comments. I won't do it unless you specifically ask, but I have to say this was kind of fun. :)


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