I emerge only to rant, but it's a good rant

Nov 16, 2010 22:25

I hate the new school where I have to work now soooo much.

So a famous publicist got shot five times in Beverly Hills late last night. Which makes the police block off Sunset Blvd into the next morning. Which I don't know until after I leave for work. Which makes me 10 minutes late to work this morning. Would have been 5, but it's hard to park over there. Following me so far?

So the school (my workplace) has this late list you have to sign if you are late and they also put a lovely red mark on your time-sheet. So far in two months I have been late three times. My workday starts at 8:00 A.M. What were my late times that I had to sign the late sheet and get a mark for? 8:01, 8:02, and swear-to-God, 8:00.

Anyway, I know I'm going to be late this morning because of the um, murder, but when I get there the late sheet isn't out yet so I figure I got a little lucky and go on with my day.

When I go to sign out this afternoon, I get this passive-aggressive shit lovely little note from the principal, who apparently has nothing better to do:

Today, you arrived @ 8:10 and signed in for 8:00 am.

1. That is falsification of time.
2. You are to be @ your work location ready to start your day @ 8:00 am.

Please refer to your contract and Board (something I can't read) with questions

Look, lady, I'm sorry someone died and made me 10 minutes late for work. If you ran a school that treated its employees with respect maybe I would have asked the secretary (who is her own kind of nightmare), "Hey someone was murdered this morning on my way to work, how should I sign in for that?" Or maybe you should cut me some fucking slack for ten fucking minutes before you go talking about "falsification" of time.


I immediately tried to go talk to the principal to say the above, except maybe a little nicer (possibly I would have left out the "bitch" part), but I was brushed off since a kid was coming in with an "emergency."

So I'll talk to her tomorrow. I've already previously filled out my transfer request for reasons completely unrelated to today (the school sucks, can you tell?). Now I'm more motivated than ever to turn it in, but I'll wait 'til after Thanksgiving so as not to give her another reason to hate me. Bitch.

/end rant. I guess I feel a little better? Grr.

life of argosy

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