A Question...

Aug 05, 2010 03:43

Dealing with converting a .doc file to .html has made me curious. So


Do you write in html tags? In other words if you're writing a story in your word processing program of choice and you want to italicize a word will you write < i > on one side and < /i > on the other side (except without spaces)? Or do you italicize or bold it or whatever in the word processing program itself? In which case do you go back and add the tags later? Or use a macro? Or post your story in rich text?

I'm just very curious about people's methods. Personally I put in all the html tags from the very beginning, at the time I'm first writing the story. In fact this is such a default for me that when I am writing something not intended for web publication, my first instinct (and usually my action) is to type in tags when I want to italicize something. Anyone else?

These are the things you ponder in the middle of the night.

?, life of argosy, writing

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