Posting from the abyss...

Apr 22, 2010 11:27

1. *waves*

2. So I wrote something: Never Work with Children or Animals. It's Rodney/Teyla. You should, um, read it.

3. I'm tired, all the time. Insomnia sucks, but I'm almost starting to wonder if it's something more than that. I've been too tired to even check LJ lately. Have I missed anything important? Or even non-important? Have you posted anything interesting (or even not)lately?

4. I forget what number 4 is.

5. I spent my whole last therapy session explaining fanfiction and fandom to my therapist. I guess it beats complaining about my mother.

6. So I recorded a song in my guitar lessons a while ago, and I've been kinda sitting on it out of supreme nervousness. It's the most ambitious guitar thing I've ever done: five or six tracks of guitar, my first solo, lead vocal, backup vocals--all by me. It's "Solitary Man," in the Johnny Cash style. If I posted it, would anyone download and listen and tell me nice things? I really want to post it, but see above about nervousness. Should I post it tomorrow?

7. I miss LJ when I'm away for a little while.

8. I'm starting to knit my first sweater. I'm completely nervous about the gauge. I keep going back and staring at the pattern on my computer. It's like porn. I wish I could show it to you, but my work computer is thwarting me.

Also, "gauge" is a really strange word. What is up with that?

9. I started doing One Hundred Push-ups but I have sadly fizzled out. Still I'm determined to finish it. Anyone feel like doing push-ups with me?

10. Just finished George by E.L. Konigsberg about a brilliant kid who has a little old man living inside of him. Neat book.

11. *waves again*

12. Oh! And most of the (awesome) Happysongs I uploaded in March are still available. Go, download! If any link you want is expired. let me know!

life of argosy

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