Snupin Recs -- Yay!!!

Jun 02, 2006 10:26

A while ago, when the shipping meme was going around, a bunch of you expressed some surprise that I was secretly a Snupin lover. I've been wanting to get some recs together since then. So in the spirit of coming completely out of the closet, and for some new friends I have recently made who also feel the Potion Master/Werewolf love, I give you:

Argosy's Snupin Recs

This list is by no means comprehensive, but they are all wonderful. If anyone has any favorites that I have missed, please let me know.

Third Time's the Charm by Helen. No rating given, probably R. Long and gorgeous and believable. Snape and Lupin deal with the everyday and not-so-everyday problems of Hogwarts and somehow come together despite their history and personality clashes. Words cannot express how much I love this story, so, a quote:

"I take it," he said, "that you’re not fucking me just to get me to work on your potion."

"I usually try to whore myself out only for bags of galleons and exotic sweetmeats," Lupin said.

"I think," Severus said, "that the real problem is that your jokes are not all that humorous."

Misanthropy, Lycanthropy, and the Pursuit of Knowledge by Halrloprillalar. PG-13. Remus returns to an empty Hogwarts where Snape is trying to refine the Wofsbane potion. Brilliant characterizations with a lovely dry wit. One thing I love about this pairing is the potential they have for matching intellectually, and Hal captures it wonderfully here.

The God of Things As They Ought to Be by Busaikko. NC-17. Remus decides the whole Tonks thing was just a moment of passing insanity, and rushes off to Osaka to convince Severus he loves him. I adore the determined Remus here, and the sex -- I'm still recovering. (Not to mention the funny.)

Thirteen Ways by Sinope. R. Thirteen stunning Remus/Snape ficlets structured around Wallace Stevens' "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Amazing.

A Sound Like the Dashing of Hope by Snegurochka. NC-17. At Spinner's End, Peter Pettigrew observes a private moment between Snape and Remus. Gorgeously sexy and filled with raw emotion. Far hotter than any story featuring Peter should be.

The Fever of the Bone by Ellen Fremendon. NC-17. Several months of Wolfsbane potion leads to a tentative peace, an even more tentative trust, and something more. Also features flashback Sirius/Remus. I love the way this story uses the history of the characters.

Not All Roads Lead Home by Musigneus. R. Remus searches for -- and finds -- Snape, post HBP. A wonderul take on this, with a devastating ending.

Plan B by Halrloprillalar. R. The effects of a love potion. Hal ratchets down the angst generally associated with this pairing, and ratchets way up the humor and hotness. Mmm...

A Kind of Redemption by Musigneus. Rated M. A dead Sirius is unable to move on until he rights some mistakes. A very original take on Remus/Snape, through not-quite-ghost Sirius's eyes.

A Spirit of Brotherhood by Torch. Sirius, Snape, and Remus must find a way to work together on an important spell. No pairings, strictly speaking, but can certainly be read as pre-slash, if you've a mind. Amazing interactions and the best mix of these three characters I've read.

The Persons We Were by Jintian. NC-17. After Remus and Snape have begun a tentative relationship, Sirius comes back. Long and plotty and takes Harry's reaction into account. Just a wonderful story that never goes in the direction you expect.

One Word, Curled Like A Snake by Thamiris. NC-17. Short and one of the sexiest things I've ever read. Packs an amazing punch into such a short space.

Imperfect by Anneline. NC-17. Snape and Remus connect in October, 1981. A lovely, devastating look at the characters early on, before they are forever altered by circumstance.

The Snupin Scramble by Violet. NC-17. Who's gonna be on top? Because we could all use some good porn sometimes. Funny, sexy, and all about the porn.

The Nine Lives Of Severus Snape by The Treacle Tart. Snape becomes an animagus. What is his animal? A black kitten, of course. This pairing doen't get much fluff, but this story fills the gap nicely.

Shapes in a Shadowbox by Sinope. Remus is sent to capture Snape, but ends up trapped with him in an ambiguous unresolved space instead. No way to do justice to this story. It is an amazing piece of--for lack of a better word -- art. Stunning.

You're Aging Well by Sahiya. NC-17. Remus realizes he would like very much to be happy again, and wants to take Severus with him. This story has hot sex, and finally letting go of all the bullshit. What's not to love?

The Quiet Man by Nopespace.

"What I find most curious," said Snape in the middle of the quiet, "is how many people mistake polite courtesy for being nice."

A short and powerful ficlet.

Addiction by Thevina. NC-17. Snape makes a potion for Sirius, and then later Remus. Very dark, with an amazing through-line. Adult, in the best way.

From the Mixed-Up Files of Lord Voldemort by Pompilia Prunesqualor. NC-17. A reluctant Snape tries out experimental potions on Lupin. Sirius Black watches. Utterly unredeemed crackified porn. Love.

Anything Quite So Unreal by Sinope. One day Snape shows up at Remus's flat with not just the Wolfsbane, but also an artichoke. How this becomes a beautiful meaningful story is one of the great mysteries of life, and why we should all grovel at Sinope's feet.

Membership Has Its Privileges by Kitsune_SD. NC-17. Remus wonders why Snape joined the Order and the answer shocks him. Sluts! They're all sluts! I'm still laughing.

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