Post of Random

Oct 26, 2009 17:12

Last night when i was falling asleep I totally had this idea that I remember thinking would make a good LJ entry. Hmm, thought I, I had better post that fabulous entry tomorrow--people will want to discuss it. Of course I have no idea what it was now in the clear light of day. It was going to be really good though.


Possibly have jury duty tomorrow. You'd think my crippling wishy-washy-ness would be grounds for being excused, but apparently not. Cross your fingers for me.

Late-ish a few nights ago I got a flat tire on the freeway which is not fun. Pulled off into Downtown L.A. which at night is also not fun, as downtown pretty much becomes a ghost town after the workday. Once I looked around and realized where exactly I was, I limped my little car along on the rims until I got to the (closed) driveway to the parking structure for the Music Center, in other words here, where I hung with the Artist's Entrance security guard until AAA came. So not too bad, considering.

Picked up some British candy today called Smart Alecs--basically a flatter M&M. Not bad, but the chocolate is MUCH sweeter than M&M's. They come in a nifty tube instead of a bag, though. Too sweet for me, I think. The chocolate tastes a bit orangey, but maybe I'm imagining it. Brits--do you eat this candy? What do you think of it?

Why oh why can't the house clean itself? :( (Or the guitar practice itself, for that matter?)

ETA: I found this post by sheafrotherdon about a moment of internalized misogyny really interesting. I know I've done this.

life of argosy, stuff

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