McShep Awards

Oct 22, 2009 12:58

As I'm sure I'm the last to find out, voting is open for the McShep Awards! You have until Oct.31 to vote.

(Click the pic to go to the website.)

I'm very thrilled that someone liked my stories enough to nominate them. I admit I really wanted to be nominated for this award so I could snag one of those totally snazzy nominee banners with the awesome manip by newkidfan. They look just like the pic above but bigger and wider. But now I can't find the nominee banner on the site--anyone know where I can pick one up?

Back when the nominations were announced I meant to post links to my stories but I was lazy never managed to do it, so better late than never. Thank you so much to whatever lovely person nominated them!

Romance Category: One Piece at a Time | Category voting page here.

Humor Category: Who Can Turn the World On with her Smile? | Category voting page here.

First Time Category: No Place Like Home | Category voting page here.

Canon AU Cateogry: Ascending Order | Category voting page here.

Thanks again and congratulations to everyone. ♥ *digs into nominees looking for any fic I missed reading before*

award, sga

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