Fandom Loves Pets. Y/Y?

May 02, 2009 14:02

So I posted a (rather epic and ridiculous) fic at mcsmooch a few days ago called Rodney's Emo Cat, about, unsurprisingly, Rodney and John and an emo cat. I am thrilled that two people liked Russell the emo cat enough to create their own work!

(Note: Both of these works contain major spoilers for Rodney's Emo Cat.)

The lovely hyperfocused, who provided the prompt in the first place (blue cat, blue in this case meaning "sad") was inspired to write a lovely piece of domesticity in the same universe. It's a sweet introspective fic showing how Rodney, John, and Russell have settled together into a family. If you enjoyed the first story, definitely check it out.

Normalcy by hyperfocused

And art! Yay!

The also lovley syble4 gives us Russell in motion.

Very cute! It's a very cool manip, and I can't say more about it without spoiling my story, but it's darling, and I know there are many cat lovers around these parts. :)

fic, mckay/sheppard, fandom, sga, art

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