So tired

Apr 29, 2009 20:54

But I have finally written something at last. Which is a major accomplishment for me. The actual work of writing is never that fun for me (it's a compulsion, not a hobby), but since my father passed away it's been ten times as tough. But there are RL projects I need to write, so I can't just wait until I feel like it again.

Anyway, the story I just finished started out life as a mcsmooch, but it grew and grew and went insane somewhere along the line too. I'm still going to post it as a mcsmooch tomorrow morning, because it's been forever since I played at that comm, and I don't want to miss another round. People will read 3700 words of insanity there, right? If there are cats in it?

Anyway, dogeared says it's good, so I give you permission to hold her responsible.

carolyn_claire, I'm very sorry this not your request, but your story is written in my head, just not in actual words on a screen. So if the planets align, it'll still be a mcsmooch, if not it'll be a ficlet a little bit later. (winkingstar, I'm afraid yours will be a bit later too.)

Now to practice guitar, even though I'd much rather crawl into bed and try to achieve coma. Because my teacher does not understand that guitar is not the most important thing in everyone's lives ever at all times. *sigh*


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