Daily Happiness, Day 3

Apr 11, 2009 20:23

Day One *** Day Two

1. Post about something that made you happy today, even if it's just a small thing.

2. Do this every day for eight days.

3. Tag eight of your friends to do the same.

Day Three:

1. This song by They Might Be Giants makes me ridiculously happy. I'm learning it on guitar. Enjoy! (If you dl and it makes you happy too, let me know! :D )

2. I just colored my hair red. Red hair is always good.

3. I took a long walk yesterday (as I anticipated in yesterday's daily happiness), and they've opened a very cool environmental area in the park across from my mother's house with a butterfly garden and lots of trails, and many, many kinds of native California plants. There's a desert area and a chaparral area and I anticipate many, many happy walks there to come. \o/

4. I had a big cookie shaped like an egg today. :D

5. Yay, Doctor Who is back. And yet I am sadly out of things. Tell me, someone please, is this the start of the new season in the U.K.? Or just a special? There must have been a Christmas Special somewhere that I missed, yes?

meme, eight days of happiness

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