SGA Santa

Dec 21, 2008 16:34

Anyone on my f-list who is at all friendly to McKay/Keller should rush over to sga_santa and read the lovely story I received as a gift, Most of the Time...

The author used my request as the summary: A happy, wacky adventure would be perfect-perhaps dealing with unexplored aspects of Atlantis? Even though I'd like the romance to be Rodney and Jennifer, I'd still like John to be an important part of Rodney's life, and I'd love for him to be included in the fic. A happy ending is a must.

The story delivers on all counts. Just lovely. ♥ What I like best about it is how much Rodney and Jennifer like each other. And John is love. Go read and comment, hmm? There hasn't been a lot of good Rodney/Jennifer fic so far, and this story deserves hugs and squeezes and affection. :D

In non-McKeller news, I finally managed to get my sga_santa story finished and emailed in. The mods have been truly awesome about everything. I really wanted to participate in this exchange, even after my father passed away, but I didn't quite realize how difficult writing was going to be for me. Full disclosure: I wrote 7500 words of a completely different story before realizing I was not going to be able to finish that story in time and stay sane. (And I really like that story, I want to do it justice.) So I wrote a whole new story and sent that in. It's not like anything I've written before, I don't think. dogeared and lunasky have promised me that it doesn't suck, so, you know, blame them. :)

rec, sga, writing

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