New Fic-Type Stuff

Nov 12, 2008 13:19

Two entries at artword, both written/created with four writers and four artists in a round robin:

First the one I stared:

Title: How to Beat a Polygraph and Have Clean Feet
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Plot: The way to win at poker is not to hide your tells. It's to have a tell for everything.

Authors: argosy, hyperfocused, darkmoore, and perspi
Artists: aesc, refche and le_mot_mo*

*and thisissirius who will not show up in my list even though the coding is totally correct. WTF?

This turned out fairly silly and fun, and the art is gorgeous.

And the one in which I wrote second:

Title: Apricity
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Plot: The 'routine' missions are always anything but.

Authors: villainny, argosy, aesc, and siriaeve.
Artists: thisissirius, sandalstrap, nightingaledies, and elli.

This turned out effectively creepy, I think. And wow, stunning artwork.

Go show some love, hmm?

fic, mckay/sheppard, sga, art

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