By no means comprehensive recs, but I wanted to get a few out there. All McShep for now.
I've been really in the mood for just happy-making, warm stories with the angst dialed down lately. (Note: I am Queen of Angst, so ymmv on the "dialed-down" thing.) If you have been in that mood too, I give you two stories:
Zen and the Art of Jumper Maintenance by
indybagginsRodney gets sucked into the time dilation field from Epiphany and John follows. This story is warm and sweet with fantastic supporting characters, and a lovely growing relationship between John and Rodney. It's curl-up-with-a-hot-chocolate fic; I don't care if it's summer.
A Clear And Different Light by
friendshipper and
nayeThis fic is wonderful, despite the cognitive dissociation of me reading "A Clear and Present Danger" every time I see the title. It's fantasy--Teyla is a rune expert, Ronon has wings, and John is a fae. And Rodney--Rodney was raised mostly by whales due to his neglectful parents. He has his own pod. There is whale math, people. And so many other wonderful whale things that I would gush about, but I don't want to give them away. Grand fantasy and adventure.
Two other quick notes:
If you need an h/c fix, then
Second Chance by Madison (
sgamadison) is the way to go. John chooses not to go to Atlantis with the expedition. The story explores his life with the Sheppards, and then really brings the hurt/comfort. Long, lovely and satisfying.
For something completely different (but not in a Python kind of way), there's
The Fall of the House of Sheppard by Martha (
saffronhouse) which re-imagines Outcast as a Roger Corman filming of a Poe story. There's even a nod to the AIP scream queens. Loved this story So Much. Heed the warnings.