.....with a wind chill factor of zero to negative ten. It snowed very little in the early hours of the morning. I woke up at 5am to pee and the bathroom window was cracked. Cold drops of water kept falling on me which was a rude awakeing. I went to the bedroom window and said, "It's snowing!". Poor Matt was asleep, I'm sure he cared. I, on the other hand was very excited. But, I was too tired to stay awake and watch it.
The cold is one reason I'm choosing not ot go to Andys funeral today. Andy Smith, an old school friend died on Thursday in his sleep. He was 22, same age as me. He was such an amazing person. I'll miss him even if I did barely see him these days.
The day I found out about Andy was the day of my ultrasound - Friday. And of course from the last post you can tell the baby is a boy. His name will be Alistar Haides Dauer. No comments please, I'm sick of hearing peoples opinions on the name. So "the thing" inside of me officially has a sex and a name. We're now on our way to reality....
I have nothing to do today. No gas, no money, too cold (not enough clothes), etc. I guess I'll just stay in and watch tv and play around online. I may give in and bake cookies for Christmas. I don't want to make them this early but...I may get desperate for something to do.
I may get someone to come over and bring me a heater since for some odd reason the heat isn't on. Again, fuck this building and the people who run it.