Well today was fun. It was pretty awesome that I got a 96 on my World History Final Exam. That's pretty exciting, considering it was 20% of my grade and it definitely boosted it up to a high B or A. I think I had an 87.8 or something for my average. Then after school Hunter, Me, and Sam went to Hunter's and we had an awesome boozed out party. We had drunk chicks and everything. Okay, just kidding. We just went there and then Ryan, Anna, Alan, and Ashley came by and we went swimming. Then Cale and Corey dropped by. We swam for a while even though the water was cold, and it kinda rained. Then Me, Hunter, and Sam went to Harrison to go to a rope swing. We went there and then Kit and Nick D. met up with us. Then we went back to Hunters, then my mom picked me up. Then I went to that church thing which was kinda boring. Man I had a long day. But it's summer.. Graduation tomorrow.. Gotta play in the orchestra for all the usual graduation songs. Anyways boreedd. I burned a good CD at Hunter's but I left it in his room which sucks... I had pimp songs. I'm mad that I forgot it. I need a hair cut too... looking at that LJ picture and my hair now it's pretty crazy. Maybe I should change the picture.