Apr 20, 2005 18:13

That is a imitation of most of the idiots at my school who don't know what they're talking about. Gosh some kids are reaaally fake. Come on, let's be real. Why don't you just scream, "I act like I do it so I can get accepted by the cool kids, or the fun kids, and they will like me!" Or, "I do it but only so that I feel that i'm inside the cool clique. So I can talk about what their talking about". But honestly, that just shows that your even more fake. I mean, what the hell is the deal with screaming it in the halls? Or talking to friends or random people about it. Like "oh haha 4/20" Yeah "happy 4/20.. comeon man don't you know what that is?" WOOO 4/20!! People who actually do smoke pot not because they're trying to be "cool" don't go around saying "4/20 yeah!", "Potsmoker/Stoner's holiday dude! hahahaha". Do you want to be labeled as a pot head? Hm.. that seems reaaally fake. Are these idiots trying to show off or something? That must be the answer, they want to be cool cause they know what 4/20 means. Nice.. Gosh these kids are so fake. Why can't people be themselves these days? Oh I find this even more funny.. the kids who at the beginning of the day didn't even know what the hell 4/20 meant, at the end of the day when finally someone tells them to shut them up, they go screaming it around and passing it around. Nice.

Notice : If you read this post and are angered my it, obviously your one of whom I am speaking of. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, it just seems that you fit perfectly into this category of fake people. Do not post crap like "you don't know me!" Cause I know I don't. I don't think anyone does. If you are offended by this post that just means it proves my point even more, that your a really fake person. Don't be pissed off and flame on my post because tell you your fake to your face if you want me to. Don't get mad at the me just cause I'm the only one (not man enough, because i'm sure alot of people will tell you that your fake, espescially if its the people I got in mind) who decided to get open with it. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, so I may or may not be talking about you, (whoever you are..haha) all I know is that if this post applies to you, you need to find your personality and stop making one up every few days.

I just had to get that off my chest.

AGAIN, I am not talking to ANYONE, in particular. But bitches (female dogs? .. I figured using 'dogs' would be too cliche) do always bark first.

Gosh I have a lot of homework to catch up on.
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