what is love #22

Mar 04, 2018 17:09

Title: What is love
Author: argh
Part: 22 of 25(ish)
Rating: PG-13 for now
Word count: 2,803
Pairing: Onew/Minho, Taemin/Kibum
Summary: Jinki loves working in this cafe, until a particular person begins to frequent it, and the person that Jinki tried so hard to get over. University!AU. I suck at summaries ;_;
Warnings: long neverending fic XD (around 75k).
Notes: This was my nanowrimo fic back in 2010!
Dedications: written entirely for ryukilla no matter what she thinks.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen & nineteen, twenty, twenty one,

Note: Man I abandoned this fic majorly :( oops. I'll post the rest now...


“Jinki-hyung, today I met up with Taeminnie,” Minho curled into Jinki’s side, in one of the rare nights they were actually sleeping in his bedroom. The curtains drawn tight, letting no light whatsoever into the room, Minho lay on the bed in his boxers only. He had his eyes shut, unaware that at the moment Jinki’s eyes were tracing the muscle definition across his torso.

“Really, aw you haven’t seen him for ages.” Jinki sounded happy but slightly guilty, so Minho opened one eye to gaze across at Jinki in the dark, “I feel bad because it’s my fault right, that you haven’t seen him?” Jinki inhaled softly, reaching out to tickle Minho’s stomach lightly.

“Hmm, not really, he’s been busy with dancing training and exams, most of the time he couldn’t come and meet me.” Minho shrugged, one hand grasping Jinki’s tightly, holding it firm against his stomach muscles. “So don’t feel bad, but he said he was scared to come here.” Minho pouted, “He thinks it would be too full on for him.”

“Us, together,” Jinki asked sounding surprised and shocked, “But… we don’t do anything in public? What does he think we would do?”

“I have no idea, maybe Jonghyun has been putting ideas into his head?” Minho sighed, shaking his head slightly. “It doesn’t matter anyway, I mean if he feels that way, then fine.” Minho lifted Jinki’s hand and started to kiss it lightly, “it’s nice when it’s just the two of us.”

“Yeah, it is,” Jinki agreed before wriggling closer to Minho, pressing his other down on Minho’s side, “I used to feel so awkward with you,” he confessed, “because I couldn’t get my head around the idea of you liking me. But it was more when we were apart I felt awkward,” He shrugged, “when I was with you, it was okay, you made me feel comfortable. Now I just feel happy all the time, I guess it’s obvious, I’ve had so many comments in my tutorials about how smiley and happy I am.” Jinki blushed burying his face against his pillow.

“Aww, hyung, I realised that,” Minho winked squeezing Jinki’s hand tighter, “but we’re okay now right? I wanted to ask you, ah, hyung if you’d move in with me?” Minho gulped slightly, watching Jinki’s eyes widen in surprise and he knew he was surprised by that, he hadn’t expected it at all. “Sorry I guess it was kind of sudden, but ah you spend so much time here.”

“Ohh,” Jinki swallowed, “I can um not come around so much if you’d like it?” Jinki tried to keep his expression blank, but it was obvious to Minho that he was upset and trying so hard to hide his hurt. Minho held Jinki’s hand tighter, wishing Jinki wouldn’t jump to conclusions like that. “I mean, you know you probably like some space too,” Jinki babbled, “I might just go home now, Kibum is probably lonely.”

“Hyung, Jinki-hyung, that wasn’t what I was saying,” Minho gripped Jinki’s hand tighter only just preventing him from getting up to leave. “I love having you here,” Minho leaned in and kissed Jinki’s hand gently, “I want you here all the time, that was why I asked you to move in, not because I wanted you to go back.” He frowned slightly and leaned in to kiss Jinki on the lips softly. “So what do you say, hyung?”

“I don’t know, it’s just so sudden,” Jinki blinked his eyes rapidly, “can I think about it?”

“Of course, I’d be a bastard if I expected you to decide on the spot.” Minho shrugged, hiding his slight disappointment he had hoped that Jinki would say yes on the spot. But he also was realistic and figured he was the type to think things through rather than just rush into a decision. It made sense but it still hurt slightly to know Jinki could not say yes out right that he might not want to move in.


Taemin yawned as he slumped against the table, he felt like taking a nap, but he perked up slightly when he saw Jonghyun calling all the staff over. He frowned when he realised that everyone was there, not just the stuff working that day. He got up and walked over curiously, wanting to know what the heck was going on, Jonghyun looked serious for a chance. Taemin had never seen him looking serious, he sat down at a table close to where Jonghyun and the staff were assembled.

“Okay, I have an announcement to make,” Jonghyun coughed after he finished speaking, looking incredibly serious and slightly sad.

No one was even paying Taemin any attention at all, he was the only customer in the shop and it seemed like everyone had forgotten about him. He leaned closer; blinking his eyes rapidly as he waited for Jonghyun to say whatever it was that he had to say.

“Okay, I’m really sorry but my uncle has decided,” Jonghyun paused and Taemin watched him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, the way he rubbed his hands together nervously. “To sell this café, so to be honest I’m not sure what will happen.” He looked down and then up again, and Taemin could see stunned and upset everyone looked.

“What,” Kibum was the first to speak, “So what will happen Jjong?”

“I don’t know, it depends on who buys it,” He sighed softly, “I was hoping I could buy it myself, but I can’t afford it. I’m so sorry guys, you might all lose your jobs.” Taemin realised he was gaping, he shut his jaw with his hand holding his hands in front of his mouth. He felt so sad to think that his favourite café was going to change completely, that the familiar and wonderful staff would be gone soon.

“I’m so sorry guys, I tried to persuade my uncle, but once he has made up his mind, there is no changing it.” He sighed looking down and Taemin could’ve sworn he saw tears in Jonghyun’s eyes but he figured he must be imagining it, he could not imagine him crying. But looking closer he could see that his eyes were indeed watering, which just shocked Taemin deeply.


Jinki was curled up on the couch reading a book when the door slammed, he looked up frowning as Kibum ran into the room panting heavily. Jinki would’ve got up immediately, but Kibum threw himself at Jinki, half climbing into his lap and hugging him. Jinki felt strangely awkward, he tried to recoil but Kibum clung to him, a limpid to Jinki the rock.

“Kibum-ah, what happened?” Jinki patted the younger boy’s back lightly, feeling worried. Kibum never slammed the door and Jinki had never seen him run before. Plus he rarely draped himself all over Jinki like he was currently doing. To say he was mildly worried would be an understatement.

“Hyung, hyung,” Kibum mumbled half into the blanket and half into Jinki’s shirt, “Jjong said his uncle is selling the café,” he swallowed and lifted his head up, showing Jinki his red swollen eyes and face. Jinki was stunned to see that he had been crying. “That place is like my home, I can’t bear the thought of not going there to work you know?”

“Yeah, gosh wow,” Jinki rubbed his friends back, feeling shocked when he heard the news. That café had been their rock and their second home for so long now, the thought of it not being the way it was scared him. “I can’t believe it, poor Jjong what is he going to do?”

“He’s going for that interview, audition thing,” Kibum snapped sounding upset, “It’s like he doesn’t care. He’s just chasing his dreams, and forgetting about the rest of us.” He shook his head firmly looking upset and annoyed.

“I’m sure it’s not like that,” Jinki bit into his lip, frowning as he comforted his distraught roommate. “I know he cares a lot about you, he would never do anything to hurt you intentionally.” Jinki rubbed his palm in soothing circles, hoping to make him feel better.

“I guess,” Kibum sniffed, “But he didn’t even really try to buy it himself, he said he had no money but he could just get a loan or something.” Kibum shook his head somehow managing to look both upset and angry at the same time.


“Minho, did you hear about the café?” Jinki asked leaning over the desk, talking to Minho after class, “I just wondered if you had.” Minho tried not to frown, he guessed Jinki did not want to move in because he had brought up all these strange topics as if he was trying to keep Minho from the subject of moving in.

“Yes,” Minho replied tersely, it was getting annoyed he just wished Jinki would come out and say instead of changing topics so obviously. “I need to go, guess I might see you later.” He shoved his stuff into his bag, ignoring the surprised look Jinki shot him as he left the row and walked down the stairs towards the exit. A few students were still milling around the lecture hall but Minho ignored them for the most part.


Minho froze, turning back to see Jinki standing there waving at him, instead of being embarrassed by the fact that Jinki had just shouted at him loudly in public, making everyone look at them. Minho felt happy, which was weird considering the fact that he realised Jinki didn’t want to move in.

“The answer is yes, by the way,” Jinki called out loudly, flapping his arms and beaming down at Minho, who felt confused and was about to shrug, to say he had no idea what he was talking about. “Yes, I want to move in with you!” Jinki practically skipped down the stairs to catch up to Minho, ignoring the way everyone stared, “I was thinking that maybe we should move? Maybe your apartment isn’t big enough for both of us, what do you think?”

“Hmm, maybe,” Minho was floating, he could not stop smiling, he had not expected that at all. When they reached the bottom of the stairs he just leaned in and kissed Jinki on the lips sweetly. The rest of the students cheered around him, Minho just laughed when he saw how red Jinki’s cheeks were, but how insanely happy he looked.

“Yeah we should look for somewhere else to live.” Minho grinned, reaching across to ruffle Jinki’s hair affectionately, “I love you Jinki.” Minho exhaled softly reaching for Jinki’s hand, smiling as Jinki faltered on the steps looking so stunned when he heard Minho use the ‘L’ word.

“I-I love you too,” Jinki whispered sounding so shy, gripping Minho’s hand so tightly, Minho thought he could feel his heart bursting with happiness. He glanced around as if noticing for the first time how all the other students were staring at them, Jinki felt mortified. He almost never came to this lecture (it wasn’t necessary for his tutorials), but he had started going because of Minho even if he was just a distraction.

“Good,” Minho’s thumb sifted over Jinki’s hand lightly, rubbing on the skin softly, “I’m glad, do you think we should go flat hunting later?” He tugged Jinki closer, smiling softly, “Or look up flats right now?”

“Didn’t you have somewhere else to go?” Jinki asked with a slight frown as they walked out of the A block of lecture halls, “I don’t want to distract you from your studies,” he shrugged, “So I’ll leave you now, and we look for flats later, although I had an idea about that.”

“Hm, it can wait, hyung.” Minho nodded his head, “I feel like celebrating right now with you, I can do my training at any time.” Minho hoped that Jinki realised what he was trying to say, he only said he wanted to get away because he was feeling hurt earlier. But now he felt as if he was so happy he could float up to the moon.

“Okay, but only if you’re sure,” Jinki nudged Minho’s side with their joined hands, “I don’t want you compromising your study because of me.” Minho grinned hearing Jinki’s words, knowing what a stickler Jinki was for making sure Minho always studied, he thought it was incredibly sweet. Some people would find it annoying he guessed, the way Jinki would stop any physical contact or anything until Minho had done his assignments. Or the way he would give him space and not come around much when he was studying for a test, the one time he got him to come around, Jinki had ended up just quizzing him on the test.

“I am sure,” Minho grinned, “Really it’s fine, come on let’s go and get some lunch now.”


Kibum opened the door, his mouth set in a straight line as he saw who was standing in the doorway, he tried to shut the door, but the other boy stuck his foot in the crack, stopping Kibum from shutting the door completely.

“Can I come in,” Jonghyun asked, biting his lip gently, his eyes looking slightly sad and upset, “please Kibum?”

Kibum exhaled loudly, rolling his eyes as he relented opening the door wider to let Jonghyun in. He was not impressed with the other boy, to the extent that he was just ignoring him at work. He hated the fact that Jonghyun would not be the owner anymore, or that his job there was not safe, the whole thing drove him insane, in some ways he was not sure why he felt so angry about it, but he did.

“Thank you,” Jonghyun mumbled, eyes cast down as he slid his shoes off, lifting his head to look up at Kibum, “Look I know you’re mad at me, and I’m sorry.” Jonghyun bit his lip, “I guess you think I just don’t care or didn’t try hard enough.” Jonghyun exhaled slowly, glancing across at Kibum seriously, “But I tried so hard to sort something out, but banks don’t want to give me a loan.”

“So,” Kibum just crossed his arms in front of his chest, “why are you telling me this crap again?”

“Because I hate having my best friend angry at me, I hate not talking to you,” Jonghyun pleaded up at Kibum, “please I just hope you can forgive me sometime soon.” Kibum stared watching Jonghyun’s Adams apple bob in his throat when he swallowed, noting how upset he looked.

“Okay,” Kibum just nodded his head slowly, “I do feel angry, I’m sorry but I just don’t feel like talking to you just yet.” He shook his head, feeling almost angrier as Jonghyun just nodded his head, and then breathing out, he walked back to the front door and just left. “I didn’t say you had to go, Jjong.” Kibum talked to the shut door, feeling so frustrated with everything.

He was sitting on the couch frowning when Jinki walked in moments later, humming happily to him, “Hey,” Jinki grinned across at Kibum until he sensed his mood or saw his facial expression, the one that indicated that Kibum had a dark cloud and rain hovering above his head. Jinki skidded to a halt, blinking his eyes owlishly as he stared at Kibum before leaping across the room and sitting on the couch.

“What’s wrong?” Kibum could see that Jinki looked slightly panicked, and that he had some problem or something he wanted to bring up himself. Something about his eyes indicated that to Kibum, but he was in no mood to deal with Jinki’s problems right then. “Kibummie, talk to me,” Jinki swallowed as he reached across to touch his wrist lightly.

“I’m still just upset over the stupid café,” Kibum sighed, “Jonghyun-hyung came over to talk about it, but talking doesn’t do anything.” Kibum lifted his face, letting his sad eyes focus on his friends face. “I just feel so sick about this whole situation, I’m not sure why but it makes me furious.”

“Ah, I see,” Jinki nodded his head slowly, rubbing his down Kibum’s arm in what he hoped was reassuring, “but you know I’m sure you won’t lose your job, no boss would just kick you out like that or fire you.”

“Hyung,” Kibum frowned, his forehead wrinkling, “It’s not just about that.”

“Then what is it about?” Jinki asked gently, “tell me Kibum?”

“No,” Kibum looked away, “I just can’t explain it adequately, I’m not even sure myself. Sorry. Just forget it, no what did you want to tell me?”

“Um, no it’s okay,” Jinki managed a slight smile, but Kibum could tell it was fake, he felt disappointed and upset that Jinki did not want to tell him. “I’ll tell you about it later, it’s not important after all.” He shrugged and leaned in to hug Kibum tightly in his arms.


for daniela, rating: pg-13, pairing: jinho, series

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