Oct 09, 2006 17:04
Title / Prompt: colour printer reaches superstar status.
Character: Draco Malfoy
Pairings: Mike/Draco
Your character's fandom: Harry Potter
Word count: 352
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the situation, they belong to JKR and her people.
The press had been busy, that was obvious. Everywhere that Draco went nowadays, well, everywhere in the Wizarding World, the colour printed covers of 'The Witch Weekly' and 'The Daily Prophet' and even that thrice blasted 'The Quibbler' were declaiming in bold, white words splashed across a picture of Malfoy Manor in the spring, 'DRACO MALFOY NOW LORD OF MALFOY MANOR: STORY INSIDE.'
Beside him, Mike frowned. "Haven't they forgotten something?" he pointed at one of the brightly coloured covers.
Draco cocked an eyebrow. "Such as?"
"Well, you are married now…"
"Oh! Well, you know the Press, Love. They tell the news the way they see fit and it doesn't always coincide with the truth. You'll notice, for example, that on this cover, Malfoy Manor is bedecked with garlands of dancing and singing daisies. I can assure you that that has never happened, nor will it ever happen."
Mike looked unconvinced, but let it slide. Draco, however, stopped walking and turned to his husband. They were in the middle of the busiest part of Diagon Alley, witches and wizards rushing to and fro, hither and yon, dressed in brightly coloured robes, some of them waving copies of the garishly printed covers of the papers, which, Draco felt, were elevating him to some sort of superstar status. "They want a story? How about this, then?" And Draco wrapped his arms around Mike and kissed him soundly.
Predictably, cameras of various types went off, the sounds of shutters going click-snap suddenly as loud as gun fire. Draco ignored them. He had no doubt that the next day, the papers would have just as brightly covered colours as they did today - only this time they'd show him and Mike together. And if they were lucky, some of those pictures would be nice ones, ones that Draco would happily buy to hang inside Malfoy Manor.
splintered sayings