May 17, 2009 10:22
Am glad that caesarpk is finally back and posted the latest CB translation . . . after all, that chapter wins . . . :')
Something flashed into my mind yesterday, and I'll take it as some kind of forewarning, so I'm not going to friend-lock this. Just to let you know one thing, note how I more or less didn't feel anything when Heiji "stole" my raw work for BD. BD is and will always be my favorite manga, however, tbh, I didn't get any emotional with dropping the work as its raw provider for a reason. That is, tbh, I was thinking of dropping it sooner and later anyway. I don't like to translate and scan the same series that much. It delays the whole process and makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. So, when Heiji picks it up, I basically just drop the scanning and keep on with the translation, perfect timing since I don't think I need to scan it anymore, but this is what I find to be kind of a forewarning to you guys.
For FLAGS, as you all know, I was repeating what I used to do with BD before Heiji picks it up. I will keep on doing it, but I'm going to tell you: I may drop one of those two jobs in the future. Same reason as with BD, but which one will depend on whether it's the translator or the raw provider that steal my job. Whatever comes first, I'll drop that right away and cling onto the other one, and somehow, I got the feeling that it will be the translation this time that I'll drop. Heiji only scans series that will draw him enough download counts, or is bound to have that effect. That's why all I see him uploaded is series that are by no means already very popular, and series that are new in WSJ (because WSJ is overrated. I can't say that I don't like new series in it like Akaboshi, but IMO, Rival series are a lot better than that . . . :S ) I got the feeling that he will hit Buster Keel or Spray King before it comes to FLAGS, as far as Rival goes, but no one knows. FLAGS is an awesome manga. It indeed looks very promising. Possibility-wise, it would seem like it's easier for some other translators to pick it up, even at first glance, since I bet Heiji didn't care about what it's like as long as he didn't get the guarantee that it will draw him enough download counts, which might take a while for FLAGS. Translator is different in the way that there are a lot more people who are translating manga over at MH. So, possibility of other translators jumping on it for whatever reason is higher by all means, and I'm telling you: That translation rule applies even if the translation is reserved or just a practice. If it's reserved, then it's clear that the scanlator won't need my translation anymore. If it's practice . . . who says translator-in-training can't do a good job? Go ahead and practice with it, since I'm not going to stop you. After all, everyone has to have a starting point, and I know that new translator won't get enough attention from other people unless they translate the series that doesn't have any other translator on the job. It's pretty plain obvious when you look at all the new translators jumping at those series with the ongoing scanlation war and with cnet or HBK as one of the translator. The only translations that that rule will not apply is translations that are seriously bad (and I do mean severely bad IMO, and by bad, I mean something like . . . the meaning is totally off and way too literal. I don't care if the English is bad.) or translations with "Not for scanlation use" as a notice.
Plus, I bet you'd be a lot more happy if I drop . . . after all, all I can really do for the public is to fill up gaps for other people or introduce new series, taken that I'm too sucky to continue on with it for long. At least, all I know is there will be time that other people will just jump into do it because I suck at the job, like with KHR, CB and BD (yep, that's what I seriously believed at first: "Didn't Hananira got into CB because I don't even suit to help caesarpk fill up the gaps?" and "Didn't hash get naruto+4s to translate it because I seriously suck at it that he thinks he better finds someone who's better than me on the job?" I told you, I'm extremely pessimistic with myself . . . -_-") That's probably one of the reasons why I don't like doing public stuff that much: it just gives me one more thing to push myself down about. And know what? I don't believe what most of the people who try to show gratitude for what I did for them in public says. Actually, I think a lot of times, those things are hypocritical and I seriously hate it, and I got the feeling that that become even clearer when someone else was in for the job, clearest one being KHR.