╪character information╪

Jan 01, 2020 00:00

          Player Information

Name: Nashi
Age: 24
AIM SN: nashipants
email: nashidesei@gmail.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes!
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? I was invited! :D

Character Information

Canon Source: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
Canon Format: Movie sequel to video game.
Character's Name: Loz
Character's Age: Technically just under two years old. Physically twenty-five, the age Sephiroth was when he razed Nibelheim. He has the mental and emotional capacity of someone between the ages of ten and thirteen, but he learns and develops FAST once he’s removed from his original element.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. As the other two seem to have done all right, I’m assuming this isn’t necessary for the Lozilla…?

What form will your character's NV take? Cellular phones are the way to go, man.

Character's Canon Abilities: Like all those twisted by Jenova in some way or another, Loz has superhuman senses and a very faint mental connection with others like him-he can sense other Remnants, Clones, and sufferers of Geostigma from a fair distance away with concentration. He cannot, however, sense Jenova cells themselves, as he was formed from Lifestream rather than J- or S-cells, and thus has no pull for Reunion. He heals with impossible speed, is extremely difficult to damage altogether, but is definitely not impervious to pain. His magical ability is also off the charts, and he has the ability to junction Materia directly into his skin, without a bangle or other accessory as an energy buffer and focal point.

Power-wise, Loz is the embodiment of Sephiroth's physical strength, and as a result he is both impossibly strong and completely at ease with that. Ontop of that, Loz can perform something between teleportation and super-speed, which gives him the ability to move so fast it's almost impossible to see, and even to warp limited distances when proper locomotion isn’t an option. This ability has been theorized to be similar to a limit break, as it comes in spurts, and led me to believe that Loz-like Sephiroth-has a constantly full “limit meter,” meaning his energy builds up so fast he can’t even keep up with it.

Like his siblings, Loz is also capable of summoning up monsters called Shadow Creepers, although he’s never seen doing it in canon and it’s presumable that the level of concentration necessary is a little too much for him to handle on his own.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A

Weapons: An electrified pile bunker called Dual Hound and a Velvet Nightmare, both viewable here. Dual Hound is designed to function as a stun gun, although it is still strong enough to shatter stone otherwise; it’s retractable, attached to Loz’s left arm, and springs forward with a hidden catch somewhere in the body, presumably triggered by the flexing of a muscle in his forearm. His Velvet Nightmare is identical to Yazoo’s, and doesn’t appear to need reloading. Ever.

History Etc
Character History: [ History @ FF Wiki ]

Loz was formed at some point in the last two years out of the lingering will of Sephiroth, manifested at the Northern Crater some indeterminable period of time ago, and became properly active when the Turks arrived to steal Jenova’s head. He’s really the physical manifestation of one-third of Sephiroth’s memories, experiences and emotions, making him a fragment, larva, or Remnant of the Silver Elite.

It should be mentioned that the line in the wiki article regarding Loz asking Tifa to play with him is misnoted-he actually asked Marlene, which led to Tifa urging the girl into hiding and starting the fight herself. Loz will point this out if asked.

Point in Canon: Roughly .05 seconds prior to his death.

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: Loz is the third remnant of Sephiroth, the embodiment both of Sephiroth's physical strength and his affection and emotional instability toward JENOVA and the world around him. Physically the eldest of the three but mentally the youngest by far, he is extremely dependent on his older brothers for support and guidance, and thus doesn't tend to function well on his own.

Unlike the others of his twisted family, Loz is not violent for the sake of violence, he simply has no other idea how to keep himself entertained. With abilities so far above a human level, Loz has no appropriate outlet for his boundless, childish energy, and taking his mental and technical age into account, he also has next to no grasp on right and wrong-he has difficulty grasping that just because he can do something doesn’t mean he should do something, much like a very young child who’s just figuring out that they can make an impact on the world around them through their actions.

It should also be mentioned that Loz is extremely affectionate. Being the manifestation of Sephiroth’s positive emotions, he’s happier, more excitable, and can be almost social. He does, however, lack more or less all knowledge of how normal people function, due in part to his current mental state and his simple lack of education, leading him to the belief that he’s insufferably stupid. He greatly dislikes this particular facet of himself, and does what he can to keep from showing it. If you point it out too much, you’ll probably make him cry.

Basically, Loz is a giant attack puppy who hasn’t grown into his paws yet, but has all the training and skill of one that has. He’s affectionate and wants to learn things and know things and see people and make his family proud, but he’s a little too bumbling to manage it by himself.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A

Character Plans: To get him out among people other than JUST his family, while keeping his family close, and maybe eventually make him realize that he’s not actually an absolute moron?

Appearance/PB: Loz is 6’1”, with an extremely muscular build, making him noticeably thicker than his brothers. He has short silver hair and large green eyes with slit pupils, the irises of which glow constantly; the brightness fluctuates depending on emotion, sensation, and other stimuli.

He wears a set of black leathers modeled loosely after Sephiroth’s, but which don’t quite fit-the shirt is a little too short and has a habit of baring his midriff when he moves, and it doesn’t look like it would be possible to zip it up all the way. He’s also the only one of the Remnants with no buckles on his clothing, presumably because they’d be a bit too complicated for him to figure out.

In summation, Loz looks like this.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[This is not Loz’s phone. He knows it’s not, because it doesn’t have the little gash in the screen from when the Turk lady threw it to try and keep Loz from taking it. It LOOKS like his phone, but it’s not. So he’s just staring at it for a moment before he starts messing with the buttons. These look a little different, light up when they didn’t before, other little things.

Loz is more perceptive than anyone gives him credit for when it comes to things like this. After a few seconds of fiddling, he activates the audio function, and blinks when the screen flickers a little and gives him an entirely new message. His voice over the feed is curious, a little confused.]

Re-cord-ing. Huh.

[He dials in a number with a series of beeps, but there’s no response. A moment, then he dials in another. Still nothing. Now there’s an edge of a whine to his tone, something close to fear, a pained anxiety.]




But…we’re supposed to go together.

Third Person Sample
Loz had never felt so horrifically disoriented before, and that was saying something. The last couple days-weeks, months?-had been a mess of dizziness and screaming senses suddenly brought to life at a far higher level than this body seemed to have expected, a swirling cacophony of emotions and explosions and pain.

But this? This was more than he expected.

He jerked and coughed and pushed himself up, entire body keening at even the slightest motion, but unwilling to hold still because this was Loz and that energy always roiling inside him didn’t dampen in the slightest just because of something like pain. If anything, it concentrated, built up faster, harder, higher.

Coughing and trying to remember what was happening, what was going on, Loz’s body flashed blue once, twice, three times-warping an inch, a millimeter every time, just enough to bring down the energy levels so he could let the pain dissipate.

Taking a deep, labored breath, Loz lifted his head, green eyes burning too brightly, and locked gazes with what would have to be a Greeter, not that he would know that.

He didn’t feel like one of Mother’s children, didn’t look like anyone he knew, wouldn’t amount to anything worth attention if not for the fact that he was the only one there, and Loz could feel his brothers somewhere, tugging and pulling at the blackened cells under his skin in some silent consolation.

“Where are they?” He growled, expression pulling into a pained snarl. In a blur of blue he came even with the Greeter, grabbed him by the neck and shoved him back into a large, dirty sign covered both in print and graffiti. “Where are they?!”

Flailing, the man gave no proper answer, and Loz wasn’t patient enough to wait for him to collect himself. With a growl he threw him aside, not caring to see if he got up-which he did, scurrying off muttering something about “silver-hairs” and “psychopaths” and “see if I ever do this again”-and moved out on his own.

@siren's pull, !ooc

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