Totally stolen from
narniarosethis has been an excellent exercise in troubleshooting my HTML code
Go over to Wikipedia and enter your birth date (month/day) and then pick 3 events, 2 births and 1 holiday that occurred on the day of your birthday.
In my case 11 May
1310 Fifty-four members of the Knights Templar are burned at the stake in France for being heretics:
Reason 10365 to be a Hospitaller, no burning by the pope Templar wiki page here 2000 Last performance of the musical Cats in London's West End (Incedently it started on 11 May also in 1981):
CATS wiki Page here 330 Byzantium is renamed Nova Roma during a dedication ceremony, but is more popularly referred to as Constantinople:
other names considered were Constantineville, New Jersey & Rome PtII Constantines RevengeBirths
1720 Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Münchhausen:
So is anyone really shocked that Münchhausen and I share a B-Day Click here to learn more 1904 Salvador Dalí:
Salvador Dalí 1954 Peter North Canadian porn star:
Peter Norths wiki page (work safe)A teller of amazing stories, a surrealist and a porn star. . . . maybe the day you are born DOES have something to do with how you will turn out.
Saint Anthimus of Rome:
To learn about Saint Anthimus click here many of you may not know that Saint Anthimus was the inspiration behind the song I fought the law (and the law won)