Omg, that made me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I was in a state of shock, and Haylee and Ms. Thompson were laughing at me. But... YAY! Hahahahaha wooooo!
So I was remembering this one commercial from a long time ago. And I figured if everyone else is as stressed about finals as I am, this would make them laugh and that would be good. So this comet is headed towards the world, and this guy cheats on his wife, goes to a stripper club, moons, cusses out, and flicks off his boss, throws all his stuff out the window... pretty much does all the stuff he wanted to do before he died. Ruins his life. So you see the comet getting closer and closer to Earth and it gets almost right up to it, and then it goes around Earth and keeps on going. And you see the guy's face go from ecstatic to "HOLY SHIT!" Haha, why does it make me laugh when people ruin their lives? Oh well.
Affable - social, easy to talk to
Anathema - object of intense dislike
Cajole - coax, persuade through flattery or artifice
Censurable - deserving of blame or correction
Corroborate - confirm, make more certain
Dilatory - tending to delay or procrastinate
Discursive - passing aimlessly from one pplace or subject to another
Disseminate - scatter
Equanimity - calmness
Equivocate - to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation
Flout - to mock
Ignoble - mean
Immutable - not subject to change, constant
Impugn - call into question, attack as false
Insular - narrow-minded, an island
Ostentatious - showy, flashy, overdone
Perfidy - treachery, faithlessness
Pernicious - extremely harmful, deadly, fatal
Recondite - exceeding ordinary knowledge or understanding
Redoubtable - inspiring fear or awe, eminent
Redundant - extra, excess, more than is needed, wordy
Reprobate - to disaprove of, condemn, a scoundrel
Salient - leaping, jumping, springing forth, prominent
Scurrilous - vulgar, low, abusive
Sinecure - easy job
Slovenly - untidy
Soporific - tending to cause sleep
Specious - apparently good or valid but lacking real merit
Stalwart - valiant
Surreptitious - stealthy, secret, made by fraud
Transient - lasting only a short time
Transmute - to change from one nature to another
Unwieldy - not easily managed bc of size or complexity
Wheedle - convince by flattery
Winsome - charming, attractive, pleasing
- The Fall of the House of Usher - Poe
- The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne
- Song of Myself - Whitman
- Leaves of Grass - Whitman
- Moby Dick - Melville
- Self Reliance - Emerson
- Walden - Thoreau
- Story of an Hour - Chopin
- An Occorrance at Owl Creek Bridge - Bierce
Red Badge of Courage - Crane
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
- To Build a Fire - Jack London
- The Open Boat
- A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
- For Whom the Bell Tolls - Hemingway
- The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - Eliot
The Wasteland - Eliot
- The Weary Blues - Hughes
- Theme for English B - Hughes
- Because I could not stop for death - Dickinson
Okay, that was some help for all you slackers that won't do this yourselves... in return, if anyone knows the aspects of new american poetry, regionalism, or the differences between naturalism and realism... let me know!